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New Member
22 Apr 2024
The soil I have for my fitted tank is peat free? Is this a problem or will it be ok? I have a bag of peat free, no chemical and organic 'topping soil'. I also have a bag of peat free miracle grow organic potting compost. Which one is best?
Hi all,
The soil I have for my fitted tank is peat free? Is this a problem or will it be ok?
I don't think any of us will be arguing that we should be using peat, and I'm certainly not going to <Soil Substrate or Dirted Tank - A How to Guide">, but it does <"have certain advantages">.
I have a bag of peat free, no chemical and organic 'topping soil'. I also have a bag of peat free miracle grow organic potting compost. Which one is best?
Personally I'd steer well away from anything with <"Domestic Green Waste"> compost in it.

Hopefully some-one might be able to suggest a <"suitable compost"> you can buy.

Have you seen <"Soil Substrate or Dirted Tank - A How to Guide">? The whole thread is worth reading.

cheers Darrel