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Sometimes the gas bubbles after a water change are not pearling, but CO2 (and other gasses) coming from the tap water. This is especially true if you live in a hard water area and have high water pressure. In my case the plants and my spray bar !!!! pearl fantastically if I use cold water straight from the tap. If I put my tap water in a butt and heat it I get pearling from plants (eventually) but no pearling from spray bar.🙁
I had an image somewhere showing plastic plants pearling, obviously just did as a joke just as an example of how it does happen after a water change when the excess o2 bubbles off. Can't seem to find it now. Pearling is nice but not essential or necessarily a sign that all is well. Nevertheless, nice healthy plants and fish you have there.
Thanks all for the kind comments. Think its getting to where i want it to be. Ordered a few more plants today🙂.
I realise some of it is so called false pearling due to the higher gases in the fresh water.
But most days my plants will pearl. But not ussually until the second half of the photo period.
But on water change days the plants will start to pearl within half hour of the water change and continue to do so for the rest of the photo period. If this is due to the higher co2 in the fresh water. Higher mineral content lower temp or higher orp of the freshwater im not sure. But i find it fascinating to be honest🙂.