Well then...
This is following a generous trim yesterday. All is growing well and BBA has gone from everywhere! I didn't have a big BBA issue but it was always tending to grow on the edges of the ferns and anubias as well as in the parva. What have I changed?
Ferts, I was dosing pinches of KNO3 and adding traces or Fe here and there primarily according to how pale or yellow the plants looked. Some weeks back I switched to
James's Planted Tank All In One solution and again dosing that according to the look of the plants which is currently working out at around 3ml a day.
The other thing that I mentioned is a slight milkiness to the water well this developed further into a full blown
bacterial bloom by about 20 mins after a water change
Interesting! This was happening regardless of whether I'd done any trimming or tank disturbance or not and initially took around 12 hours to clear back to the originally slightly milky look. So I added some drops of ADA Green Bacter, as I happened to have a bottle sitting around doing nothing, and went off to read up on bacterial blooms.
The Green Bacter certainly sped up the clearing process. It seems strange that my nice filtered Cornish tap water should be adding organics for the bacteria to get all excited about but who knows, so I installed a fresh high quality filter cartridge into the under sink unit and also added Prime to my water change water and rinsed the first pre-filter sponge in my sump, and put a carbon pad and a new fine sponge in the final output section and kept adding Green Bacter daily. Still got the initial bloom but it then cleared within 3 hours.
My somewhat excessive filter post cleaning!
Now as everything seemed so happy in the tank and with no algae issues I've been a little loathe to do much else in case I inadvertently upset the balance but heck nothing ventured nothing gained and as I haven't actually cleaned all the levels in my filter since it was built over a year ago it might be time for some work!
So yesterday I used my water change water to rinse out everything except the final output layers of foam, carbon and floss. Fresh Prime treated water was then added and I then had the merest of blooms that quickly cleared to leave the water looking more sparkly than it has for some time. Hopefully the balanced growth continues.
Moral of the story...rinse your filter media more often than annually!!