Despite an extensive search, cant seem to find any good information on what eg. Good/Average/Poor PAR readings should be at eg. 18", 24", 30" depths.
Can you give me some pointers ?
Can you give me some pointers ?
Can you believe it, just found this - however, readings appear to be greatly different from those kindly given above.
Low light - 15-30 micromols of PAR - CO2 is not needed, but is helpful to the plants
Medium light - 35-50 micromols of PAR - CO2 may be needed to avoid too many nuisance algae problems
High light - more than 50 micromols of PAR - pressurized CO2 is essential to avoid major algae problems
Yeah agreed, i only asked as i was quite surprised that 2x t5 12" above the water surface would still be classed as medium light.....with nothing really to go on (par readings), and the old wpg rule being rather out of date, i was guessing that my light unit approx the same height above the water surface would have been considered low light....but perhaps this means i can raise it further to give more c02 leniency.....(still need to work on injection method and distribution before hanging with the big boys and being a.....It seems feasible - certainly better than the watts per gal. guidelines that were originally drawn up with T12 fluorescents in mind. I think I did a similar table for a lighting article in PFK a while back.
I think the biggest lesson I've learnt in recent years is that too much emphasis is often placed on lighting intensity, spectrums, colour temperatures etc. for planted tanks. It's not surprising though, given that the fundamental element required for plant growth is light... but most of us are now aware that there's very few plant species that actually require high lighting (>50 PAR), especially now principles of good CO2 and other nutrient management are well-known (on UKAPS, at least...)
Just as folk are learning to accept that NP doesn't cause algae in planted tanks, I think the next step forward should be that hobbyists use less light, and concentrate more on decent CO2 management (if used) and overall maintenance practices. Then the amount of topics asking about algae issues will drop considerably. 🙂
I digress. 🙂
.....😉 )Megawatt Loving Kilingon (MLK)
These readings are all based on the PAR being measured submerged at the substrate level, so it's a measurement of the minimum light the plant is likely to receive. 🙂
PAR drops off considerably more under water than air, given the same distance from the light source to the target.