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18 Feb 2015
Hi am making a paludarium for my frog tank and I'm wondering what would be the fastest speeding moss I could buy to plant
Also what other plant suggestions would you recommend?
Thanks Darrel
I've been reading about putting it in a food blender making a wet paste and painting it on background or logs
Does this really work???
How am I ment to get heat inside my tank if they is no water in there
You aren't as long as the room temperature isn't too cold you should be fine for the plants, obviously the warmer it is the better plants will grow.

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You can use a heat mat under your tank although I thought a paludarium used water in the bottom part of the tank?
I have also just started a paludarium with about 5" of water in a 18" deep tank, I heat the water.
I think a high humidity frog tank is called a Terrarium in which case a heat mat will be the best bet.
I've been reading about putting in different mosses and ferns. Blending it with yoghurt or beer? Is this recommended?
Also what ferns can be blended to get them growing to?
Makes sense to drink the beer lol. How do I get dwarf ferns seeds? They grow on the underside of the leafs. I was under the impression they would grow if adding to the mix.
Do any of you know we're I can buy a dry mix from that just needs water adding
🙂 From a moss loving neighbour.. 🙂

Javamoss is a very popular moss in the terrarium community.. And those bags of mixed dried terrestrial mosses are also here and there for sale at Terrarium webshops. If you go paludarium chances are high some terrestrial mosses also just grow on into the submersed part and probably change appearance but can also grow pretty fast when submersed, some even faster then emersed.. 🙂

Like this one, don't ask me what it is, it's a common terrestrial moss i found myself. Did put it on tthe wood emersed close to the water and now grows faster submersed than emersed.

It was 3 times as much as is now had to trim it lately, you see a shrimp at its end.. 🙂