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Alastair, what about this paludarium... Want to see it!

I finished building the stand and terrarium/paludarium last night so will get a journal under way today mate.

Its ummm a bit big 😱 for my living room especially but my bedroom isn't quite the place for it. Not sure it makes my living room look odd but ill get used to it.
When I saw it being unloaded off the trailer I felt like id swallowed a football ha.
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I finished building the stand and terrarium/paludarium last night so will get a journal under way today mate.

Its ummm a bit big 😱 for my living room especially but my bedroom isn't quite the place for it. Not sure it makes my living room look odd but ill get used to it
welcome to the house of fun, tanks are everywhere...
Can't wait to see this,been planning a pludarium build myself lately.
Well I cant give progress updates at waiting for all the expanding foam and waterfall pumps plus need to get a journal going but here's it empty. The background wont look like that.


Holy moly, you are the king of BIG Alistair lol 😀

Can't wait to see this set up 😉
Well done Alastair, the size does not disappoint us, I guess it is exactly what we all expected, a huge paludarium. Can't wait to see how it evolves!

To be honest anything smaller would look daft with your collection 😉