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Paludarium experiment

definately dont climb enough to worry about escape, they probably could if they wanted to as they are more than happy climbing up vertical stone but they seem happy where they are 🙂
Very shy though, lucky if i see them even in a small cube...
Ok, so about a month on now and it seems that the experiment isnt the most successful. The crabs eat every fish i put in so no more fish. The emersed plants also wont grow, im guessing mainly a lack of nutrients and the crabs never come out, i have seen them maybe 3 or 4 times in a month.
So i have decided to pull it down and start a low tech moss CRS tank.
Will hopefully pull down this week and away we go again....
well, a slight change in fortunes, i spend some time on this tank and things improved some so have left it running for now.


