Oh jesus christ oh god oh god
🙁 🙁 🙁
I have just witnessed something so harrowing.
Have been noticing something odd about the flow bar on this filter. I find there's always bits of plant matter stuck or sticking out of the slots. Had also noticed something weird going on with the pest snails that had got themselves established in here.
You guys that have one know the top of it where the power cable goes in? Had a weird cluster of snails around this hole. Initially thought they were feeding there until a few days later they hadn't moved. Thought nothing more of it.
About 20 mins ago I noticed something silver and red looking in one of the spray bar slots. Turned the filter off and lifted spray bar out of the water. Still couldn't get at it so turned the filter back on. Sure enough it came out. Half a chili rasbora. And the other half came out of another slot.
5 mins after I'd caught the remains in a net and was scratching my head wondering how the hell it had got into the spray bar I noticed a fish struggling in the water. Now this one never had much chance. It was doing really badly in my main tank when I pulled it out a week ago. Despite showing some recovery after putting it in the nano it was not in good nick.
Fish is half swimming/half floating around the filter. At this point I'm thinking 'you're done mate, I need to pull you out and euthanise' and am about to reach for my net. The fish gets up to the top of the filter and SCHLUP down the power cable hole it goes. Like a hoover.
Freaking out at this point.
Then the filter starts making jamming, grinding, hideous noises. Too late to stop the process I wait and the fish appears in the spray bar. In one piece but horribly mangled.
I've tried lifting the filter so the top hole is out of the water or only just submerged but it starts making those grinding noises when I do and stops working. Have packed the top with frogbit in the hope this will stop any more fish or shrimp getting sucked in, have put it as high up as I can get it and am going to get a replacement filter tomorrow.
Maybe I've got a dodgy unit or my sponge is so bunged up with crap something's popped and water is getting drawn in where it shouldn't. Had to share as a warning and because I need to for therapy value.