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Overflow weir leaf cleaner/protector


5 Mar 2023
The Netherlands
Hello everyone.
I need some ideas for protecting overflow weir from leaves. I will go for a vacation for 2 weeks. In regular days i manually clean it. But if i will not, the weir will be clogged, as result water level in display tank will be raised and turnober will be reduced.
Does anyone know some DIY/solution to protect weir from this?
For now idea install multiple skimmers which potentially can suck leaves, but looking for something more reliable
Thank you in advance
Could you not use some gutter guard and cut a coral to keep the leaves away from the weir. suction to the tank either side and create a curved area to keep them at bay.
Im sorry, English is not my native language. What do you mean by cutting coral?
I just mean, make a corall to keep the leaves away from the weir.
Cut a length of guard that will curve around the weir and suction it into place.
Er, not meaning to be unkind but for someone who isn’t a native speaker of English, it would help with comprehension if the word corral was correctly spelled.

(Coral grows in the ocean - corall isn’t a word.)

A corral is a fenced in enclosure for livestock. You can also corral the livestock in a corral.

In context, it means to create an enclosure from something that can contain the floating plant material. A length of airline fastened into a circle may do the trick.

Isn’t English fun? 🙁
Er, not meaning to be unkind but for someone who isn’t a native speaker of English, it would help with comprehension if the word corral was correctly spelled.

(Coral grows in the ocean - corall isn’t a word.)

A corral is a fenced in enclosure for livestock. You can also corral the livestock in a corral.

In context, it means to create an enclosure from something that can contain the floating plant material. A length of airline fastened into a circle may do the trick.

Isn’t English fun? 🙁
Now I got it!! Thank you guys! I ordered some plastic fence. I will put it around weir to block plants and water can go from bottom part, will see if works.
Hello everyone.
I need some ideas for protecting overflow weir from leaves. I will go for a vacation for 2 weeks. In regular days i manually clean it. But if i will not, the weir will be clogged, as result water level in display tank will be raised and turnober will be reduced.
Does anyone know some DIY/solution to protect weir from this?
For now idea install multiple skimmers which potentially can suck leaves, but looking for something more reliable
Thank you in advance
Can you take a picture? Egg crate is great for this sort of thing. Just ziptie a box together to fit.
If it will work, I can automate sump auto top up with 50-60l container and the last thing I need to automate is feeding. After that the system can run for 2 weeks autonomously.
Version 1 failed. Holes was too big and some leaves went through. I have tied two peaces together to make holes smaller. If it will not work i will try just wrap some 10ppi sponge around this plastic, that should definetly work.
Version 1 failed. Holes was too big and some leaves went through. I have tied two peaces together to make holes smaller. If it will not work i will try just wrap some 10ppi sponge around this plastic, that should definetly work.
If you have or get a sheet of plastic canvas, it could be used to make this work.

If you are not familiar with plastic canvas it is sold for needlework crafts & comes in a few different mesh & sheet sizes & colours.

Here, the most common version is called 7 count, meaning 7 holes per inch and it will work nicely. There is also 10 & 14 count.

The standard is not coloured & is translucent. Comes in black & an array of other colours but the standard one is by far the easiest to find. It’s usually pretty inexpensive.

A sheet or two can easily be cut to fit with scissors and attached to the eggcrate.
I need some ideas for protecting overflow weir from leaves.
Is this for floating plants? If so then @Little suggestion is the best. If it’s for leaves from submerged plants that are coming loose, then you might want to ask yourself why there are so many lose leaves floating around and blocking your intake?
Is this for floating plants? If so then @Little suggestion is the best. If it’s for leaves from submerged plants that are coming loose, then you might want to ask yourself why there are so many lose leaves floating around and blocking your intake?
It is for submerged plants, well 7-9 leaves can easly block it, and most probablt 7-8 leaves will fall during 2 weeks