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Overcrowded with plants?

@MichaelJ - Definitely the same;
Hi @MrMarlow thanks for confirming this. No NP then. Well, I’d stick to my original advice and suggest @UseHerName switch to a complete fertilizer that includes the addition of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in addition to Potassium (K) and traces.

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Hi @MrMarlow thanks for confirming this. No NP then. Well, I’d stick to my original advice and suggest @UseHerName switch to a complete fertilizer that includes the addition of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in addition to Potassium (K) and traces.


Thank you for that, I will purchase one of the above-mentioned brands and start using it. I have liquid CO2 of the same brand that I am somewhat reluctant to use because of the shrimps (they are not there yet, but they will be later on), I assume with the fertilizer the plants will need some CO2?
@MichaelJ (or anybody else who knows the answer);

Since myself and @UseHerName both have the non-pro version, would it be worth half dosing both once we buy the pro (Assuming @UseHerName plans to), so as to not throw it away and waste what does have, that's beneficial, in it ?

Hi @MrMarlow, I wouldn't recommend that. First of all I wouldn't know exactly what your getting at this point, but assuming your getting the same K and micros (Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Co, Cu) in both products, doing half and half would obviously work with respect to micros as it would be as if you just dosed one or the other for the whole amount, but then you will be short on N and P... So, no, I wouldn't do that. Just stick to the Pro and dose according to the instruction. Please post a list of ingredients when you receive the "pro version".

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Hi @MrMarlow, I wouldn't recommend that. First of all I wouldn't know exactly what your getting at this point, but assuming your getting the same K and micros (Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Co, Cu) in both products, doing half and half would obviously work with respect to micros as it would be as you just dosed one or the other for the whole amount, but then you will be short on N and P... So, no, I wouldn't do that. Just stick to the Pro and dose according to the instruction. Please post a list of ingredients when you receive the "pro version".

I've just done some googling and have read that there is no nitrogen or phosphates because it's not for heavily planted tanks, therefore the assumption is made that the plants will get enough of what they need from leftover food, and fish waste etc.

On MA specifically, the image on the bottle shows "For Heavily Planted Tanks", and states that nitrates and phosphates are added in the pro - Colombo FloraGrow Pro Special Fertiliser

Does the amount of plants dictate the need for the NPK, in this instance?
I've just done some googling and have read that there is no nitrogen or phosphates because it's not for heavily planted tanks, therefore the assumption is made that the plants will get enough of what they need from leftover food, and fish waste etc.

On MA specifically, the image on the bottle shows "For Heavily Planted Tanks", and states that nitrates and phosphates are added in the pro - Colombo FloraGrow Pro Special Fertiliser

Does the amount of plants dictate the need for the NPK, in this instance?
Hi @MrMarlow, Even for a moderately planted tank, relying on food and fish waste to provide nutrients for your plants is just not a good idea... The only way you can work that out is by trial and error...and what happens when your plant mass increases or your stocking level decreases...? Not many around here, including myself, recommend it - you have no idea what the plants are getting. If you know you are dosing a good complete fertilizer according to directions (whatever reputable brand your choose) you know your plants gets all they need. If your worried about wasting fertilizer or just over-doing it, just dose a little less and perhaps add some floating plants such as Frogbit to gauge the nutrient levels (good idea regardless) - floating plants have access to unlimited CO2 and often unlimited light within the photoperiod (so those factors wont interfere) so they will usually only show deficiency symptoms directly related to lack of nutrients in the water column, and then you can react accordingly by increasing the dosing a bit... I would suggest you just dose the Pro Special according to directions (perhaps a bit less if your plant mass is low'ish --- please post a picture for us to make that assessment..). But don't worry about getting algae - as long as you keep up your regular water changes, maintenance, dose consistently, keep the tank parameters stable (whatever they currently are within reason...), keep the light intensity in check and have patience, it will work out.

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Anyone not familiar with fertilisers Evolution Aquas The Aquascaper might do as a start it's easy to understand dosage for any type of Planted tank high or low energy set ups. Later get familiar with mixing your own from a cost point of you. The EA seems to be on special offer at some places at moment
the assumption is made that the plants will get enough of what they need from leftover food, and fish waste etc.
A lot of assumptions, when they don't know how many plants we have, what species or how big they are, nor how many fish, what species, how big or what we are feeding them.
And NO food we put in the tank should go uneaten long enough to rot away. (It would need to decompose before the plants could use it.)
Hi @MrMarlow, I wouldn't recommend that. First of all I wouldn't know exactly what your getting at this point, but assuming your getting the same K and micros (Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Co, Cu) in both products, doing half and half would obviously work with respect to micros as it would be as if you just dosed one or the other for the whole amount, but then you will be short on N and P... So, no, I wouldn't do that. Just stick to the Pro and dose according to the instruction. Please post a list of ingredients when you receive the "pro version".

Thank you both for your input! @MrMarlow .
@MichaelJ (or anybody else who knows the answer);

Since myself and @UseHerName both have the non-pro version, would it be worth half dosing both once we buy the pro (Assuming @UseHerName plans to), so as to not throw it away and waste what does have, that's beneficial, in it ?
Thank you both for your input @MichaelJ and @MrMarlow . I have purchased TNC complete and it should arrive today after which I’ll start dosing. I did see small amount of Algea on one of the glasses yesterday, cleaned it and Made a 50% water change this morning so I hope it will not develop into a full blown outbreak. You guys have any thoughts about liquid CO2 with all these nutrients the plants will be getting? Are you guys using any?
Thank you again,
Thank you both for your input! @MrMarlow .

Thank you both for your input @MichaelJ and @MrMarlow . I have purchased TNC complete and it should arrive today after which I’ll start dosing.

Hi @UseHerName, Sounds good.

I did see small amount of Algea on one of the glasses yesterday, cleaned it and Made a 50% water change this morning so I hope it will not develop into a full blown outbreak.
Since this is a new tank your will most likely see some algae initially - diatom (brown algae) especially. It will recede as the tank matures.

You guys have any thoughts about liquid CO2 with all these nutrients the plants will be getting? Are you guys using any?
I personally do not use liquid carbon in any of my tanks - I used to, but never saw much benefit, but some people around here use it and some have very good experience with it. IF you start dosing liquid carbon it's very important that you dose it consistently. Be aware though that certain plants such as Vallisneria, Elodea and certain mosses wont take the liquid carbon well and might melt.
