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over the rim drop-checker


5 Aug 2011
Couldn't sleep last night due to realisation that my drop checker is the largest thing ever created. It literally takes up all the space in my house. So, I saw a very cute ' hang on' drop checker, now I can't find it - any suggestions?
They work just fine but one thing you need to be aware of is that the smaller the hole in the drop checker the longer it takes to show the right color. I have a 'normal' drop checker and an over the rim model where the diameter of the tank water inside is less than half a centimeter. When my normal drop checker turns blue when my disposable CO2 runs out the over the rim model will stay lime for 2-4 additional hours.

I also find it difficult to find dead spits with it as you can't move it anywhere away from, yes you guessed it, the rim 🙂

But in an established tank with things dialed in and on autopilot it is by far the most visually appealing solution to me!
I just set up a cube, high tech, my first lily pipes. So want everything prim and proper . God I love lily pipes!
Pics 🙂 did you go for the gush or the cascade dc ?
no chance of pictures - its a trial run 😉 I think I got cascade. Now just need to fit inline diffuser
Ha ha trial run :what: why didn't I think of that :banghead: instead of littering the forum with my failed attempts :crazy:
im vain! And crap. But mostly crap 😉 if things progress past the ' 1-2 grow plonked in florabase stage' I'll sort a journal.
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Now that something u was considering only yesterday after I recived a hang on 12 mm thermometer from co2 art (sleek)I'm just not sure if I'd be happy not being able to place the drop checker anywhere I like other than on the rim.🙂
Ha ha trial run :what: why didn't I think of that :banghead: instead of littering the forum with my failed attempts :crazy:

It be boring if all journals were when we get it right. Personally I love reading those that have issues and how they have resolved said issue, you also learn from these. It's also great seeing how everybody develops. It makes for insperational reading.
It be boring if all journals were when we get it right. Personally I love reading those that have issues and how they have resolved said issue, you also learn from these. It's also great seeing how everybody develops. It makes for insperational reading.
I totally agree with you. mikes booktank journal is possibly the most valuable I have seen.