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Otto help

Sorry he didn't make it. It looks like an injury that was infected. Otos can be quite sensitive sometimes. Was he new - usually if they make it a few months they do well.

Your tank is very small for Otos - I know they are often recommended singly as 'clean up' but they are actually shoalers so should live in a group and they are fast swimmers so can have an issue in smaller tanks if they are startled and then bash the glass. Really a 3'+ and a bit wider would be better tank size.
Sorry about your oto. Interestingly I have never had good experience in keeping otos as they have all died on me however I also keep the supposedly more difficult parotocinclus of which I have had great success so far. I wonder why me and most people I know dont have success with otos.
I used to have a 90cm wide tank and kept a group of six. Remember vividly how they used to dash frantically when startled at times, and I did loose a few due to head injury, hence my previous question about tank width.

Pity I can't keep ottos in my current nano set-up; my tanks are less than 60cm in width; but then again in this hobby, as with life, you learn to compromise and live satiated with what you can/cannot have.

I'm sorry for your loss.