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Osaka 155


18 Apr 2008
Been a member for a while, gathering information. Just waiting until I had something to post.

The Arrival



Akadama & Equipment In

Filter & FE

Back Of Tank - Everything Tidy


Started To Fill


The fluval 205 filter that came with tank has been upgraded to a TetraTec 1200. As you can see from the last photo that despite the wood being soaked for a fortnight, one floated to the top the other is slightly hovering.
Liked the look of it, its different than the others and the other half liked it which made convincing her easier.

We live in a 3 storey town house which has a family room downstairs and the living room on the 1st floor. I have also got a 4foot tank ( plus others) but she didn't like the idea of having the 4foot on the 1st floor but missed having tank in the living room so decided to get a two foot instead.

Did a lot of looking on the internet and looked at it at my local MA but didn't actually realise how deep it was untill this morning when I got my armpit wet replanting some lifted plants

Ps Don't tell her that this one holds more water than the 4foot.
They are very good looking tanks IMO, you probably need more plant mass in there though.

I've got to keep the missus happy too, I've promised to reduce my tanks from 9 to 5 when we move house, what she doesn't realise is that 2 of em are going to be 1000l :lol:
altaaffe said:
They are very good looking tanks IMO, you probably need more plant mass in there though.

I've got to keep the missus happy too, I've promised to reduce my tanks from 9 to 5 when we move house, what she doesn't realise is that 2 of em are going to be 1000l :lol:

Will be getting some more plants, got moss on order too. Got more in the 4foot than needs thining.

Had to reduce the number of tanks I had when we moved 🙁
Good start sqiggley, looking forward to seeing this one develop. I've got an Osaka 260 myself, and love it to bits, as does my wife, which always makes life that little bit easier 😀
Hey, I like the wood, very twisty and intricate.

Could you tie some slate to the bottom and bury it in the substrate?

I too have a Osaka 260, I like the look of the cabinets but the depth makes life difficult. You need to get wet up to the shoulder to get to the bottom! I purposefully added about 4 inches of substrate to mine at the front and triple that towards the back just to save my t-shirts from being constantly wet. You always notice one spot of algae just above the botttom after cleaning the glass (and towling off) Best of luck T
Yeah my kids are finding it funny that I take off my top to replant. Thehoverig bit of wood has finally sunk the other piece is in my 4foot where the lid can keep it under water.

Suddenly realised today that although the Tetratec filter arrives ready to, you need to take the media out of the plastic bags 😳
Did read your trouble thread.

I never pre soaked the akadama, it was given a wash that's all.

All I can say is that the ph of the water has dropped to 6.2.

I'm no good technically with this stuff so I presume the akadama has sucked up all the buffering and the co2 has caused the ph to drop.

Its probably bolting the door after the horse has run, but I've just ordered a kh/Gh test kit .
The tank looks great,and has got me wishing my osaka 260 will be delivered soon,,,,,
I,m upgrading from a vision 180 to the osaka 260 and my missus actually likes the osaka (the first tank she actually likes),,,,,well she didn,t say anything,so i take it she likes it as she is not slow in telling me of her dislike of any tanks i show her,,,
I,m moving all my stock over,(mainly discus) and won,t be able to plan the tank as i would have liked so will just have to change things as i go along,,,
Good Luck with the tank and look forward to more pics,
Thought I'd better update with a few pics



Photos not working, only the link comes up.

Nice progress, is that aromatica at the back ?

Sorry abouth the links, using a linux system which I'm not familar with yet and doesn't seemed to have installed flash or java correctly and won't run the applets in photobucket.

Will go upstairs in a mo (when my cakes are out of the oven) and use the other computer that has it working properly.
TBRO said:

Photos not working, only the link comes up. T

Links updated

TBRO said:
Nice progress, is that aromatica at the back ?


Yes it is, I'm surprised it has grown. It started to melt shortly after it arrived and had to trim it down to about 2 inches in height and stuck it in the corner where it is now
Just a few pics to update



I flipped the lights on last night about 5 hours after normal lights off to take the pics hence why the Rotundefolia is closed up.