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Some updates from the last week. The tank is getting more tinty by the day!


I was planning to visit this local, very old fish shop as they randomly had female taeniatus in stock, but a few days ago heard that it sadly closed down. So the hunt continues, or maybe it's a sign to keep things as they are...


The male is colouring up nicely and is clearly very appreciative of the additional leaf litter. I've also taken the cling film cover off as the floating plants have grown in further and the Pencilfish seem more at ease.


Other than that, not much to report. Still enjoying it.



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New Location

I recently moved to a new apartment (hopefully no more moves!!) and so the tank has been sitting on a temporary stand until I can find one. They're hard to find in the UK, but even harder to find in Canada.


As a result, it's been receiving some neglect. The beauty of a low tech setup like this though is that despite not having had a water change for 2 months, the plants and fish seem completely unphased. There's no visible algae in sight, the glass is clean and the fish are happy and doing their spawning activities.

I also added a pair of 'Kali Tawa' Rainbowfish after hearing about them on the same podcast I mentioned earlier. They're just as beautiful and perfect for tank life as described, and I'm not even feeding live food. Although since adding them I've noticed a steep decline in my shrimp population... I'm unsure if they ran out of food or are being preyed on by the rainbows.

I'll try and get some photos of the rainbows, it's tricky!