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Optiwhite iwagumi.

I'll do a wood and fern scape if I have to fiddle too much. They're so much easier. 😛
In the style of every great government it's time to do a U turn on ideas. This is my favorite scape ever I can say with some confidence and I'd love to do an homage to it. Most likely without the sand foreground, but trying to maintain the simple delicate lines.
http://faao.blogspot.com/search/label/6 ... 0e%20suave
samc said:
for some reason i prefer the first one of the two heres one i really like

i like the rock positioning on that one

looks like ull be fiddling for a while :lol:
For those of you that don't know, thats from the legend that is "Zig" 😉
Yeah, it's a nice scape, well presented. I'm not sure I like it though.
I've had another fiddle I've got to a point where I think I have the final one. it's something of an iwagumi though again uses 4 stones. I'll get up some photo's tomorrow when I have some new camera batteries.
I assume you mean the two in the top right hand side? They're unfortunately scratches and as such I'm unable to get rid 🙁