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Once upon a time at the riverbank - Final update

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

It looks great! I'm sure it'll look much better when grown in, though - can't wait.
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Looks rather nice...
This is typical of the style of aquascape that needs time to bloom. The only thing I will say, is that Anubius at the front may cause your problems getting to close to the glass and become distracting.
I like it though.

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Tank looks awsome after the rescape, good job 🙂 will keep an eye on it so see how it develops.
I am liking the sand front, maybe in my next scape, but then again I like carpets more haha 🙂
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Andrew Coley, Aquascaper. Very nice mate, very very nice.
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Graeme Edwards said:
The only thing I will say, is that Anubius at the front may cause your problems getting to close to the glass and become distracting.

It's funny you should say that. When I first filled it up I was looking at the 2 large Anubias closest to the glass and thinking ' I wish I hadn't put those 2 there'. Reason being because I had this very problem in the last scape with this same size Anubia and had to hack 10cm off the front of it after a couple of months. lol. I actually moved them this afternoon so maybe it will be OK now. Glad you like it Graeme. Can't wait till the ferns grow up again. I thought I'd spread them thinly this time to let the other plants get a head start before being overshadowed 🙂

Thanks everybody for the other comments. lol. Not sure that this makes me an aquascaper where previous attempts didn't. I can see that it is more to many people's tastes than previous scapes though 🙂

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

any updates 😀 new pics
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

At last I've found time for an update. Been a little sidetracked over the past few weeks 😉

The Rasboras are still looking great after month in the tank. Very hard to count them but I think (and I mean very rough think) that there are 21!!! I expected a few losses though and 4 gone from 25 is not too bad. Not seen any bodies. that's one bane of having shrimp. You never know if fish have died because unless they are big fish there is no carcass left within a few hours of the shrimp crowding over it.

The plants are growing and there have been a few melted crypt leaves but overall not too much. A few of the ferns and anubias leaves must've dried out a little too much whilst I was rescaping and they are gradually disintegrating but no algae whatsoever (as I am now accustomed to 🙂 )

Pics aren't great but did my best trying to get the right combination of ISO/White Balance and 'EV'? Apologies to Jeremy for not cleaning the pipes :lol:

So first here is a pic of the tank with the roomlight on so you can see what I see (not exactly the same colour as I see otherwise it would just look like a white space above a cabinet :lol: ):

This is the tank taken from slightly below the tank level looking upward:

This one is taken with the camera level to the tank:

And this is taken from above at an angle:

Onto a couple of pics of the Rasboras. I forgot to put the 'EV?' back up towards default on these so they look a little dark 🙁 :

Thats it for now but I am reasonably happy. Will update in about a month or so 🙂

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

I can see where this tank is going now, and I really like it! It looks so natural and fish choice is great. Are the Cories still in here? Still breeding?
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Nice looking scape mate!

Don't let Jeremy see the state of that glassware 😉
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Great mate! Really inspiring me for my rio 180 when I finally get around to it (it's like one of those picture puzzles that you have to slide the pieces around with my tanks at the moment!)
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Lovely textures Andy. I think you have captured the title of this thread perfectly. Someone is an aquascaper, whether they like it or not. :lol:

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Lovely tank SC, one of my favourites on here
A compliment for me to save and appreciate 🙂 Many thanks.

I can see where this tank is going now, and I really like it! It looks so natural and fish choice is great. Are the Cories still in here? Still breeding?
Yep the corys are in there and breeding more prolifically (approx every 4-5 days)but I am still experimenting with the age to transfer them from net in the main tank into the nursery tank and as yet the only survivor is one of the first who is about 2 months old and nearly 2cm long 🙂 most interesting fish in the tank too 🙂

Don't let Jeremy see the state of that glassware
I may add one of these pics to the 'reader's tanks' section on PFK :lol:

Great mate! Really inspiring me for my rio 180 when I finally get around to it
Thanks for the compliments Steve

Lovely textures Andy. I think you have captured the title of this thread perfectly. Someone is an aquascaper, whether they like it or not.
It is a first indeed. I think maybe the reason it looks right is because I named it after I set it up and saw how it looked. All the previous ones were named before setting up.

I like being an aquascaper Dave. Never said I wasn't. My idea of Jungle isn't throw it in willy nilly and let it get overgrown. It's more a case of not trimming everything to it's final mm of perfection to the human eye. I put the hardscape in a way I want the plants to grow around or on and then just trim occasionally.

May be I don't like stems too much. Look too 'fluffy' to me :lol:

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Wait am i reading this right from the first post. You used super glue to attach your ferns? Is this practical? If it is i know what i'll be doing from now on, can it also be used for Anubias species on wood :twisted: Its a pet hate of mine attaching them things, so if this is a way around it i'll love whoever came up with the idea in the first place!

Stunning tank. Certainly makes me want to overturn my Rio 180 and start over. Mines in a state of neglect at the moment, needs overhauling.
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

Wow that looks awesome, i love harliquins also 🙂
Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

I like those latest photos, very good looking tank, very natural I like it, take some closer shots of the sides catching the gravel, would be nice to have a close of of the textures there, but its looking very good indeed 🙂

Re: Once upon a time at the riverbank 125Ltr

superglue is fine but don't cover the whole of the underside of the rhizome or you will 'seal' it. I 'dab' the wet plant o the dry rock and that leaves a 'footprint' where it will touch the rock. Then I put some glue on a few of those spots.

With wood I just put a line of glue and whatever touches it glues. That means some hits and some misses which works fine.

I'm impressed, Andy! Well done.
Many thanks George. I would say that this is the first one that is in the 'favoured' style from the setup but I guess people's opinions may change once I let it fully grow :lol:

Wow that looks awesome, i love harliquins also
I love harlequins too. These are Espei though :lol:

Take some closer shots of the sides catching the gravel
Will try but this is an 80cm tank in a 106cm wide alcove. there is only a 13cm space between tank and wall at each end 😉
