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Oldie Newbie qestions


7 Sep 2018
Hi All,

As mentioned in my introduction post after a long break I'm returning to a small planted tank , 40cm 55 ltr cube.

Would appreciate some advice that I have not yet found in the forum pages.

1. Water - I have a working RO system from my marine days, so should I use that with a re-mineralization product and if so any particular brand stands out ? should I be adding anything else ?
Our water is generally softish, but as its now on a county wide mains ring we can never be too sure what it is as some areas are limestone, plus they can dump lots of phosphate in to clean the pipes, hence the original reason for getting ro.

2. Seems external canister filters are the way to go, but for my little tank wonder what the AllPondSolution 1000EF at £45 is like, expect some member will have used them ? Seems like a version of the Boyu filters
The alternative would be something like a Eheim Ecco pro 200 but twice the price.
Assume either not oversize for my small tank ?

3. When I used to run a co2 planted tank, about 20 years ago, we were told to keep surface agitation to a minimum so the co2 did not escape etc , but these days its seems all about using surface spray bars and strongish water movement
Cannot quiet see the reason for such a different approach ?

1. I would look up your water supplies water report. Using RO only if you have to as it will make using CO2 tricker. But yes you will need to add some minerals back. Not sure how much as use my water as it comes out of tap.

3. Well the main reason for the strong flow is to make up for CO2 slow diffusion rate in water as it's 10,000 slower in water than air.
Eg time for CO2 to travel couple of meters in air few seconds, same distance in water is days.

2. As for the filter I would be looking at something with X10 output the size of your tank so 500LPH. You normally get what you pay for but I would be tempted to get an Oase with a built in heater.
Hi all,
Water - I have a working RO system from my marine days, so should I use that with a re-mineralization product and if so any particular brand stands out ?
I'll assume that you don't mind using salts from your marine days, in which case you can make up your own water hardening mix. <"James' Planted Tank"> has some formulas, but there is nothing to stop you tweaking them to something that suits you.

If you want to buy a made up mix then Seachem sell <"Equilibrium">.
should I be adding anything else ? Our water is generally softish, but as its now on a county wide mains ring we can never be too sure what it is as some areas are limestone, plus they can dump lots of phosphate in to clean the pipes, hence the original reason for getting ro.
We aren't as bothered about PO4--- addition with planted tanks, plants will actively deplete phosphate and we don't have corals etc with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) skeletons etc. Pretty much all tap water in the UK is now treated with orthophosphoric acid and NaOH, to control of <"plumbosolvency">.

If you don't go down the CO2 route you can use a method like the <"Duckweed Index"> to add fertilisers when the plants need them. If you add CO2 then you would need to use something like EI <"Estimative Undex">, and have the higher water turn-over that @Zeus. mentions. I'm not a water tester, but if you want to go down that route @alto can suggest some test kits.

cheers Darrel