Most aquatic plants are grown emersed, some species are quicker than others to transform into their submerged state!
It's usually a gradual process could be days, weeks just depends on the individual plants in the aquarium.
Rotala rotundifolia is a good example...in its marsh form, it has round leaves..when it morphs its leaves start to grow linear-shaped underwater.
Therefore there is a lot going on within the physical makeup to get to the submerged form.
Hope this helps.
Keep us posted!
Most aquatic plants are grown emersed, some species are quicker than others to transform into their submerged state!
It's usually a gradual process could be days, weeks just depends on the individual plants in the aquarium.
Rotala rotundifolia is a good example...in its marsh form, it has round leaves..when it morphs its leaves start to grow linear-shaped underwater.
Therefore there is a lot going on within the physical makeup to get to the submerged form.
Hope this helps.
Keep us posted!