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Oase Styleline 125 thoughts?


3 Aug 2012
Hello Everyone,

Nice to meet you all I have been off and on in the hobby for around 10 years (mostly off) but now having my own little man cave I have a space that would be perfect for a small to medium tank.

I’m slightly torn between the Aqauscaper 600 and Oase Styleline 125 due to space constraints.

My local fish shops sell the cheap and cheerful stuff but I like decent stuff and whilst money is no object it also is as I will need to purchase absolutely everything at the start.

I used to have a Dennerle 60L but didn’t know much about the hobby and it was placed in direct sunlight and ended us as you would expect 😊

Which makes me wonder about just buying the Oase Styleline 125 with its filter and light. I can upgrade in the future to an external / better lights. I do like the look of the rimless tanks but it’s just trying to decide.

Just wondered if many folk have the Styleline series and we’re happy? Sometimes I think I should just get the aquascaper 600 tank it’s just all the stuff you need to buy mounts up.

Like I say I can afford it I’m just not sure I need to spend it as such 😊

The superfish tanks also seem interesting but I quite like spending a bit more to get a good one.

Wish you all the best and thank you for reading my waffle.

Best Wishes,

If you're thinking of buying the Aquascaper 600 then you could also consider the Aqua One AquaSys 150. It's the same length, 5cm more depth and 17cm higher giving you 33% more real estate, it's £20 cheaper at the moment and is made from 12mm glass rather 8mm.
Just a suggestion.
Hi there
I’m happy owner of StyleLine 175. Got it because I like covered aquariums and also I’ve seen one on G Farmer video and it looked nice.
I did upgrade filter immediately and also replaced one of the lights with the one from previous tank because it had dimming.
Otherwise I’m very happy with it and only thing I would change is getting StyleLine 200 instead of 175 😁

I'm in the same camp as @seedoubleyou. Always go for the best you can afford, especially if you have your heart set on something. If you're like me, anything else usually turns out to be false economy since you'll probably end up buying it as well anyway.
I'm sure you've picked it up already, but two things to consider with rimless are:
  1. limitations on fish selection. Avoiding jumpers (which covers a surprisingly wide number of species) or having to lower the water level a bunch
  2. evaporation. Not necessarily a big deal, but the most annoying aspect I find personally with that is, with hard water, you're also dealing with deposits. Also if you're lazy with it (like me) and you like the lily pipe look, then you can quickly get into the noisy and less effective range of the outflow
As others have said - Buy once, cry once. It took me too long to learn this. If the hobby is more than a passing fad, just get the best quality you can. At the end of it, you'll find yourself wondering why you didn't spend the extra $150 for low iron glass or kill yourself for filling a 2kg CO2 tank every month instead of waiting 9 mos to fill a 10kg tank.

Personally, I am not a fan of rimmed or hooded tanks - just me. However, if that's your game, play it. We don't have access to the majority of the brands seen in the UK, but from my experience with Oase, they make quality stuff. The scaperline is fantastic and some of the little design elements (magnetic tool bar in door, pull out filter shelf) are really handy. Maybe not worth the $150 over the comp, but at some point you'll pay the piper.
I'm sure you've picked it up already, but two things to consider with rimless are:
  1. limitations on fish selection. Avoiding jumpers (which covers a surprisingly wide number of species) or having to lower the water level a bunch
  2. evaporation. Not necessarily a big deal, but the most annoying aspect I find personally with that is, with hard water, you're also dealing with deposits. Also if you're lazy with it (like me) and you like the lily pipe look, then you can quickly get into the noisy and less effective range of the outflow
My two Nano’s (60L and 37L) are both rimless but I still use glass covers. They are held in place with small clear plastic clips.
My two tanks are a lot easier to keep clean than the braced 200L tank I had years ago. I’m still considering getting another 200+ L tank and would like to go rimless this time around if I can. Tanks with bracing aren’t aesthetically pleasing to my eye. Each to their own of course.