Just an update.
Added 3 more Mollies and 2 Banded Trochus Snails. I also found 2 Molly babies in the bag and I raise them in an isolation box in the DT. I was quite surprised when I noticed them in the acclimation tub. Hardy little buggers!
I also bought my first coral frags:
- Duncan
- Gold Hammer
- Fireworks Clove Polyps
- Rasta Zoa
- Scrambled Eggs Zoa
- Red Hornet Zoa
- Orbitrons Zoa
- Super Saiyan Zoa (this one came as an extra)
Unfortunately I lost the Hammer because of my ignorance.
Kept the corals in an observation tank for a week and a half, but although I filled it up and did WC with DT water, the nutrients were quite low. NO3 was only 3.5.
So, I immediately dipped the rest of the corals, removed the frags, glued them on rock rubble and added them to my DT. That's when I fried the Clove Polyps. One of the dips was H2O2. Seems to be recovering though.
The Duncan was a bit shocked, but it's fully open now. As for the Zoas, well they seemed upset, but they're open and I can even see new polyps growing.
Latest test results (Monday 24/6):
pH: 8.15 (Salifert)
Salinity: 1.025 (ATC Refractometer)
Alk: 7 dKH (Hanna)
PO4: 0.13 ppm (Hanna)
NO3: 6.1 ppm (Hanna LR)
Ca: 436 ppm (Hanna)
Mg: 1230 ppm (Salifert)
My last WC (12 litres) was last Saturday. PO4 has dropped a bit and NO3 has almost doubled. I wanted to raise NO3 to 5-10, so that's almost sorted.
I don't know if the PO4 reduction is a result of the daily phyto dosing, the corals, or the Codium I've added in the isolation box where I keep the fry. Maybe it's a combination of all the above.
On another note, the Temp climbed to 26.8-27 C on Monday. It's around 25 C usually. So I bought a Hygger Aquarium Fan and plugged it to my Inkbird controller.
It's a set of 3 fans. Two of them are already fitted to the DT and the third will go to the sump (when I plumb it).
No signs of algae or cyano. Is that because of the Dark Start? Don't know. It's too soon to tell.
All diatoms have disappeared and the Trochus snails are doing a good job cleaning the glass. I haven't touched or cleaned anything except the HOB filter, which I cleaned about a week ago.