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Number of Ottos & Shrimp in tank

I currently have 3....lets see how they deal with diatoms....do they eat the diatoms of plants like limnophilia sesiloflora that has more delicate leaves?
Ottos usually eat slightly boiled zucchini, mine sure do and amano as well but not all zucchini are alike, try different batches.
Yesterday i added two slices of zuccchini in my tank and surprisingly no one even touched them while they usualy dig holes in them...so it might be this batch they don't like.
Btw i have a Rio 180 and i got 15 amano and 6 ottos and they do just fine with the 50ish paracheirodon axelrodi(they are pretty small fishes) and 6 cory pandas.
From what I have seen Cherries will sometimes eat diatoms if there is not much else to eat in the tank, they will graze on it if it's on the glass but I've never seen them chew on it enough to eliminate it completely, snails do a better job but even they will avoid it if there are other food sources in the tank. Cherry shrimp are very good detrivores and breed prolifically so will help to keep things cleaner in the tank in the harder to reach spaces, they also make a good supplemental food source for the fish if they can catch them.

Cherries will never eliminate algae on the glass even if it's diatoms or green algae which they love. But they'll die trying. I have them in hundreds and they do congregate trying to.

By the way GTL_UK, I am very jealous of your ottos. After seeing the video I put a cucumber in 3 of my tanks, two with ottos and as usual they just bounce off it without paying attention for too long. But I've never had that many in one tank so maybe I need more.
Cherries will never eliminate algae on the glass even if it's diatoms or green algae which they love. But they'll die trying. I have them in hundreds and they do congregate trying to.

By the way GTL_UK, I am very jealous of your ottos. After seeing the video I put a cucumber in 3 of my tanks, two with ottos and as usual they just bounce off it without paying attention for too long. But I've never had that many in one tank so maybe I need more.
Just give them some time, they need to learn new food ;]
I use Bacter AE to supplement my ottos and shrimps. If you have never heard of it..Bacter AE is a water additive for improvement of biofilms and the microflora and microfauna in shrimp tanks. Bacter AE Micro Powder adds important microorganisms, amino acids and enzymes to your aquarium. It enhances water quality and improves the development of biofilms, which are essential for shrimp... but my ottos love eating the particles as it floats around. Just don't overdose and use an Airstone and you will have fat ottos in no time.