After buying a stocked tank full of Kribensis I'm finally in a position to get it planted properly. I've put it off up until now an relied on floating plants to manage nitrates whilst having to catch the fish for new homes.
Question is as the tank will have it's existing stock I'm keeping returned to it after planting, I'm concerned about any potential Ammonia leaching. When I set it back up I've put some pond soil with pea gravel in the base, and capped with sand but don't think it will be enough for the Echinodorus, so want to add more aquasoil to boost it and would probably add some Nutribase at the same time.
Any recommendations? I've read that Tropical Aquasoil doesn't leach?
Question is as the tank will have it's existing stock I'm keeping returned to it after planting, I'm concerned about any potential Ammonia leaching. When I set it back up I've put some pond soil with pea gravel in the base, and capped with sand but don't think it will be enough for the Echinodorus, so want to add more aquasoil to boost it and would probably add some Nutribase at the same time.
Any recommendations? I've read that Tropical Aquasoil doesn't leach?