Hi All,
Im in the process of making new batches of macro & micro ferts, so as I am cleaning the 20L drums, I thought I will share some thoughts about the experience.
The first batch was mixed around august 2018. In my typical style I went head first and made two massive batches of 2 x 20L. After which I realised that the micros will likely go mouldy, so I added ascorbic acid.
Made no difference, as the batch got mouldy anyway with 70% still left in the drum. Most hobbyists would freak out and waste time / energy / money on fixing the "issue", but not me.
I ignored it, as I focused on things that would harm the tank FOR SURE. Instead of focusing on stuff that could harm the tank ARGUABLY.
Well, I am happy I did nothing. The tank went through 6 months of "mouldy" micros being dosed in regularily, and still looks great. I honestly wouldnt have a clue what to do if any of my plants showed deficiencies, since none ever do! (Did I mention my substrate is inert too?)
I have a feeling one of the reasons for my success is being able to prioritise properly, and not sweat the small stuff. Which often meant going agaist best practice, as with a tank this size, compromises had to be made!
That and perhaps proper discipline, as I have never missed a water change (in addition to dripping in 400L every day), and reacted to problems promptly.
Back to fert dosing. I mix 20L of each every 40 weeks or so. Costs me about £80 every time. Estimative Index FTW!!!
Thanks for reading, and I hope my ramblings are of use.