So, the new fish have been settling for about 2 weeks.
- love the dwarf puffers, snail population seems unchanged for now, which is a good thing
- the 2 elephant noses are great fun to watch, really clumsy eaters. They had to be separated due to aggression (I guess the Beast isnt big enough!), I had to fish out the smaller enose out of the sump twice, after the second time it went straight into my newly built rimless 200L long, not sure if I will be keeping it long term
- the SAE seem happy muching away on my plentiful algea, only got 5, should get more
- the penguin and black neons have been a bit shy, keeping to top middle of the tank
- the black skirts and columbian tetras are fab, always active, drawn to me when Im standing by and greedily munching on anything i throw in, should get more
- the black phantom tetras are a bit meh, very shy always hiding under plants
- bamboo shrimp are great, hard to spot but a treat when you do
- endler guppy males are very nice looking, still tiny though
- bad times for the 20 cardinal tetras, 4 were DOA, most of the rest dropped after 24hrs, i think there is about 2 left in the tank
- got 35 neons at a LFS, big, bright and cheap, couldnt resist, they are doing very well
- the 3 whiptails, found 1 dead after a few days, and can only ever spot 1 at a time so not sure how many are left. Should be great once bigger and coloured up
- amano shrimp are doing great, only got 5, should get more
- the apisto pair, I can only ever spot one, always on a hunt, good fun to watch. I think the larger one (female?) is either dead or staking a territory somewhere hard to see
- galaxy rasboras came tiny, they keep low in the middle of the tank so not much fun so far
The tank has been without co2 for 4 weeks now (been having issues with supply), so it all looks a bit drab, no major issues. Been giving it only a couple of hrs light each day.
I am thinking of how to polish the water. Some options so far:
- convert my HMA filter to a diatome filter
- DIY a massive filter from a 5L plastic bottle and a powerful pump, only to be used when needed
- planning to modify my sump to get rid of filter socks, and replace with strips of polyester matting, to be replaced weekly
I might do all 3, we will see.
Thanks for reading