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No growth & old leaves turn yellow

Tom barr confirmed that my overdosing does not harm plants...ratio of kno3 and kh2po4 doesnt matter either

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Tom barr confirmed that my overdosing does not harm plants...ratio of kno3 and kh2po4 doesnt matter either

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Hi Jaap, is that in response to my comments? I thought you have nutrient deficiencies and I did not say you were overdosing, on the contrary. If Tom Barr confirms overdosing doesn't harm plants than I suggest you up you doses and make sure it's done after a water change so you don't flush it before plants get the chance to use the nutrients. If you are doing 70% water changes, then you've got to put treble the amount of ferts so there're enough in the 30% water left.

You've nothing to lose by trying. At least you can rule out one thing and move on to the next.
Basically I m going for bettet circulation and I ll take it from there

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I grew HC with JBL substrate and found it hard going. I gave it plenty of all the things id read and it just went yellow. My advice would be to be patient, nearly all mine almost died while it adapted to the conditions I gave it and then eventually flourished. I'm certain if I didn't constantly fiddle with CO2, light etc it probably would have had a more stable environment and adapted sooner. I'm sure you'll have some improvements soon!