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No bubbles on plants....ever!


New Member
24 Apr 2010
Hi! Why is it that I never get O2 bubbles on any of my plants. Is this a phenomenon only seen when using pressurised CO2 which I don`t? I use easycarbo. However I have just placed Java Fern on wood into a 0.5L square glass vase and for the first 24hrs there were bubbles a plenty so what is the reason please?
you need to inject gas plants only pearl when the water is full of gas co2 and o2 also hard water makes it less likely but as long as your plants are healthy i wouldn't worry about it
I rememebr my first day with ferts some 2 years ago. I make wrong calculations and added so many in low tech non co2 tank sulphates and phosphates as all my plants and fishes too start pearling-bubbling 😀
But i highly don't recommend repeat this procedure !
You need Co2 presurised system, proper flow, light, ferts e.g.

Best Regards,
it could be that in your tank the o2 dissolves in to the water before you get a chance to see visable bubbles because the flow is good enough to take it away.
where as in your vase (i presume there is no filter) their is no flow so the area around where the plant releases the o2 becomes saturated in o2 and no more can be dissolved in that area resutling in visable bubbles...

im not saying that i a high flow tank you wont get pearling though, i just think this is the reason in your case, besides, dont get hung up about pearling. 😀
over a period of weeks I`ve watched as a dark beard like algae grows on plant leaves and a green mossy type algae grows on rocks. This is disappointing after such a great start. The tank is now 4 months old. I`m using Sera daily drops at manufactura`s rate in my 20L tank. A small internal filter and two mini 9watt lights. I`ve reduced lighting from 8 to 6 hours daily and wc from weekly to monthly. After 1 month with the new regime I`m seeing no changes. What am I doing wrong?
Pearling shouldn't even be on your priority list right now. You have basic plant husbandry issues that completely override the issue of pearling.

Problem number 1 is that you undoubtedly have too much light which fosters the rise of algae. You need to completely shut down 50% of your light to give yourself more room to breathe.

The dark beard-like algae is BBA and this results from a poor combination of high light and poor CO2. Increasing the dosage and lowering the light therefore affods the best chance of eliminating this species.

Increasing the water change interval is one of the worst things you could possibly do to combat algae. You need to reduce the interval, probably to 2X or 3X per week. Once under control you should never go more than a week without a water change.

Thanks for that. I`m on it right away.