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Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

ok Darrel thanks then on Saturday I change 50 liters to 150 microsimems. but shouldn't I fertilize for 4 weeks as Nelson advised me?
good morning, I changed 50 liters. Now there are 247 microsimens in the aquarium


  • IMG_20231113_190536.jpg
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The plants marked out below look very healthy!
You must remove algae with an old toothbrush nearly every day.....do this tutorial below as I asked you previously!
Algae 13 11 2023.jpg
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yes nelson I also noticed they are healthier. but do I have to wait until the weekend to remove the algae or can I even without changing the water? but what do you think they are healthier in your opinion because they receive less light what do you think?
Remove algae as much as possible, whenever you have time....you don't need to wait till water change day!
Plants look healthier because they are under a canopy of other plants...plus there are enough light and fertilizers in the water column for decent growth.
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Take some cuttings of infected plants give them a good clean remove all algae and leave them floating on the surface as per the tutorial above!