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Nicks 60cm


13 Aug 2008
Surrey, UK
Hi all,

Been a while since my last high tech planted tank and i recently got the itch to do another.

Tank: Optiwhite Rimless 60x45x45
Light: - chirios Aquasky
Filter: Ex1200
Substrate: Tropica Aquarium soil + plant growth

Co2 - 2kg FE
Hardscape - Seriyu Stone

Plants - Micranthem Monte Carlo, Dwarf Hairgrass, Crypt Balansae, Crypt Wendtii

Stocking: 3 Amano Shrimp, 6 Otocinclus, 6 pygmy Corydoras, some Crystal Red Shrimp.

Initially the tank was started using the DSM, purely to allow the roots to develop and stop any floaters. This was only done for about 10 days. The humidity did lead to algae on the rocks and a small film covering parts of the substrate and plants.

The shrimp and corys were added the day i filled the tank to combat the algae. After 7 days i borrowed a Bristlenose (whilst waiting for ottos to come into stock) from a local store in order remove the remainder, and then returned it to purchase the ottos a week later.

As expected the bristlenose did alot of digging in the light substrate and did blunder around a bit, hence why i cant keep one permanently!

The monte carlo is spreading and the hairgrass is sending out runners. The new leaves on the Balansae contain some pinks / reds having been in a low tech previously.

I am still thiking of a solution to the background issue!

Day 1

Day 14

Its alright. It does get very hot though. If they ever do a 'mk2 version' i hope they would address that issue.
Theres better products out there for a little more money but its powerful and good looking.
The colouration is very white though. It could do with some pinks and blues to soften it a little IMO.

I cant really comment on growth rates as that depends on everything else as well!