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Nice plant book?


17 Feb 2013
Is there a good plant book people can recommend?

After something that covers aquatic plants (obviously) with nice photos, both in aquarium and natural settings.

Tropica's site is pretty good for this Plants

But it's nice to have a book sometimes.
Kasselmann's is a nice book, i have last two versions of it, but i find i am looking on the internet more and more, SOOOOO much info can be found nowadays, and by crosschecking facts you avoid to much biased information.
Kasselmann's is a nice book, i have last two versions of it, but i find i am looking on the internet more and more, SOOOOO much info can be found nowadays, and by crosschecking facts you avoid to much biased information.

Very hard to beat Kasselmans book.. 🙂
Just a thought; why are we, as a commuinity, not collating our knowledge into a database of plants? I think it would be awesome if we could provide people with accurate information on the aquatic plants we, as hobbyists, encounter. There's plenty out of information out there, but not a lot of it accurate. I think Seriouslyfish achieve this so far as fauna are concerned, so could we with flora.