This weekend I purchased 5 Black Neon Tetras for a fully cycled open-top aquarium. Before going to purchase the fish I double checked that the ammonia, nitrite, PH and nitrate levels and temperature were all at suitable levels; they were all within range, as can be seen below:
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 15 ppm
PH: 7.2
Temperature: 27 degrees C
I introduced the fish to the aquarium at 2:30pm and by 7:00pm, two of them had died and the rest were gasping for oxygen at the water surface. I didn't think that I had any sufficient reason to check the water o2 levels since the water's surface is rippling quite a bit allowing oxygen to enter the water column. In addition, although this aquarium will be a planted tank at some point in the future, there is no co2 injection at this point so this couldn't be the source of low oxygen diffusion. At 7:30pm I checked the o2 levels using a basic test kit and got a o2 reading of between 1-2 mg/l. In contrast, my established planted aquarium had a o2 reading of 8 mg/l.
I am really confused and upset that I've lost two of these fish and would therefore appreciate it if anybody has any explanation as to why oxygen levels in this newly cycled aquarium are horrendously low.
Note: the remaining 3 black neon tetras have been transferred to my planted aquarium and are not gasping/dying.
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 15 ppm
PH: 7.2
Temperature: 27 degrees C
I introduced the fish to the aquarium at 2:30pm and by 7:00pm, two of them had died and the rest were gasping for oxygen at the water surface. I didn't think that I had any sufficient reason to check the water o2 levels since the water's surface is rippling quite a bit allowing oxygen to enter the water column. In addition, although this aquarium will be a planted tank at some point in the future, there is no co2 injection at this point so this couldn't be the source of low oxygen diffusion. At 7:30pm I checked the o2 levels using a basic test kit and got a o2 reading of between 1-2 mg/l. In contrast, my established planted aquarium had a o2 reading of 8 mg/l.
I am really confused and upset that I've lost two of these fish and would therefore appreciate it if anybody has any explanation as to why oxygen levels in this newly cycled aquarium are horrendously low.
Note: the remaining 3 black neon tetras have been transferred to my planted aquarium and are not gasping/dying.