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*Newbie* 60L My First Planted "help journal"

So here it is. I have just put the plants in, will arrange tomorrow as I'm looking to get a few stones and some wood to add so just planted in a line so it'll be easier to move later.


Just thinking i should really finish before I post any more, lol ohwell. I just realised the stone on the far right is umm very different in colour :lol: I knew it was darker than the rest but not that dark to where it looks like a different species =P

well any way I plan to stuff the left corner with everything! and just have the eleocharis cover the right side (I do need more again! never get it right :? ) So there it is for now. sorry i just keep posting (So i can get to 25! for you know what :lol: )
*Update* 60L My First Planted

OK so it's been a long time, Finally had time to take a few pics and update here. So I've arranged the plants to where I thought looked OK, but I think it's still missing something? few more rocks? wood? but haven't got a clue where to place them if I did get them.
Anyway here it is.
If you have any ideas or just maybe what you might do or think looks like a nice place to add some more stone or wood. Or just leave it to grow out more first?

OK so I've bought a hang on filter from all pond solutions to replace my internal filter.
Well I'm going to leave my internal in there for around a month until my HOB matures a bit. Actually got 3 filters in there right now. 2 internal 1 HOB. doesn't seem to be bothering the fish or shrimp they still going about there own business like before. My other internal which you cant see in the pic is the 1 from my P@H cube. I'm basically using it as a CO2 diffuser. If you have seen my DIY set up (think its on page 3) I basically done the same with this. Guess its helping get the CO2 around the tank? (please tell me if I'm wrong).

What is this???
Up close it just looks like the fine material from the HOB. Am a bit confused. I do think it is just that but just want to be sure it's nothing else!

OK so I said a while back I placed an order from plantsalive.co.uk got a few stems and eleocharis parvula. Stems are doing great! but the eleocharis parvula not so much? they have been growing, after a week and a bit I decided to give it a little trim as I've read it will help growth and will spread. Only a few have started to grow and the tips of the rest have changed colour and looks like there gonna die? I also ordered the tropica invitro Eleocharis sp. 'Mini' from freshwatershrimp.co.uk and I am very impressed with this, trimmed it once a week so far and its starting to spread and its growing quite fast. Thinking of getting rid of the eleocharis parvula and ordering 1 more Eleocharis sp. 'Mini' to fill out. also has a nice bright green colour to it. I'm sure from this picture you can see what I'm talking about.

Red Ludwigia (Could I cut in half and replant? Growing quite tall already)
Hygrophilia Rosanervis (Took a chance on these. It's doing well but just not showing red at the top. I know theres a reason but cant remember!! :? )
I snapped this off by accident but didnt want to throw it away 😀 it was very small with only 3 leaves on it. In a week and a bit it's grown this stem bit growing out the side. lets see how it does over the next few weeks!

Well there's my update! As usual I type up essays haha as I don't update that often or have much time to come on here. As for my P@H cube which made a guest appearance in this journal, I decided to strip that down and start from scratch. I will be making a journal for that but will be taking my time with it this time! A lot of planning and saving :lol:

Anyway thanks again! As always, tips and crits very welcome!
60L My First Planted "help journal" Intruder!!


Just spotted this snail it's only about 1mm and it's the only 1 I have seen so far? Where did it come from? I've had my plants for a few weeks now also rinsed them before I planted them. Any ideas?? Will be getting rid of it as I've heard them will grow in numbers and dont really want them.