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New Year, New Scape...

Finally managed to get the
Proserpinaca palustris to keep its emersed growth.


It’s taken four or five rounds of cutting failed leaves and dried out stem to get to this point. However, it has dropped all but it’s healthiest immersed leaves for the most part. With it being positioned at the back this doesn’t matter.

From root to surface is just shy of 2 feet of immersed growth, followed by 10 inches of emersed growth at maximum so far, so quite a determined little plant.
Ten months:


Been away so two weeks without any maintenance. Quick water change and glass clean, looks no different upon returning. Really pleased with the stability of this setup.

There’s low tech and there’s low maintenance. Despite the Co2 this tank definitely ticks the second box. Will siphon out the sand and let the otto’s and nerite’s get to work cleaning the glass for a day or two then replace.
Hardscape looked great and so much effort and time went into it but it's a different beast now the plants have taken over and are basically just using the hardscape as a fixing point

Love the look of this now and the bolbitis gives it a very natural look

Whats your ferts regime on this?
Whats your ferts regime on this?

Hey Kalum, it would be a bit disingenuous to say I have a specific regime. I adapt according to the plants needs most of the time. However I am a proponent of fertiliser tabs every few months, helps with holidays/distribution issues.
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The Proserpinaca palustris has made itself at home above the water:



Going to let it run for now to see what it does without interruption.

Other than that finally got around to replacing the sand and having a tidy.


Beginning to wonder what La Plata or Colorado sand would do for the scape. Might be nice to have a change up from the current blinding white sand :lol:
This has became an beautiful jungle!

I would recommand la plata, colorado is more yellow and goes better with dragon stone for example.
Thanks @CooKieS reckon you’re right. Will go with some La Plata and get a decent camera for once for that shot.

Loving your 60P ‘Behind blue eyes’ thread by the way 😉 Cookies for the win in 2020!! (But still sad you discontinued your pico tank 🙁 )
Thanks @CooKieS reckon you’re right. Will go with some La Plata and get a decent camera for once for that shot.

Loving your 60P ‘Behind blue eyes’ thread by the way 😉 Cookies for the win in 2020!! (But still sad you discontinued your pico tank 🙁 )

Funny, I've just started the pico again Yesterday...Can't help myself 😀


Let's see how it goes, thanks for your support. 😎