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New Year, New Scape...

Just read the journal start to finish
I have to say your vision and knowledge of how it was going to grow and layer into this
Is amazing the way the rocks are hidden the way you knew what you wanted and followed it through really enjoying and learning a little too so thanks

Glad it has some value as a journal @Jayefc1 and cheers for your kind words.

It’s currently in a propagation ‘mode’ for want of a better term. Nearly all the Anubis, Bucephalandra and Pinnatifida are attached to small single rocks so are modular and can be repositioned for better composition eventually. Meanwhile the kids get to have a play positioning stuff then too, like aquascaping Lego :lol:

Bit of fun for the kids and maybe ignite a few sparks in them for the future.
I like that my lil one loves to play with my hard scape in his sand pit out side he builds a scape then tells me what plants he wants to put where at nearly 5 years old it makes me proper smile to see him being creative like that
It’s a nice reconnect with natural things, it raises useful questions in young minds. Especially in an age of iPads and endless games. Also got a five year old who loves a crack at naming the plants and trying to understand what plants need.
Still going @Jayefc1

Been a mad few weeks so only cleaned glass and changed water but it just keeps doing it’s thing. Think this one is good for the long haul.

Will get around to setting up the aquascaper 600 alongside this scape over the next month or so. That will be fast growing so should keep the scissors busy.
Four months. Second trim.


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Bleheri had leaves over 2 feet long lobbed off, Lotus trimmed right back to get some light back to the various Cryptocoryne and Pinnatifida. Proserpinaca Palustris the jury is still out on, not sure if it fits or not. Ignore the patches of Fissidens on the wood, it’s only being propagated for the next scape.

Next trim will probably concentrate on heavily thinning out the bolbitis and tactically adding a few cuttings here and there once everything at substrate level is holding its own. That could be a couple of months down the road though.

That’s about it. Hope everyone is enjoying their tanks too :wave:
Wow, that's filled in really well...looking awesome 😎
You going to do a journal on the 600 please

Aquascaper 600, wet/dry sump, high Co2, high o2, high light.... depends if there’s interest. Fast paced tank. More about plant growth under these conditions rather than about the scaping. Experiment.
Oh I'm very sure there is I'd like to see it for 1 and will be useful as a documented experiment for us all to refer back to
Tank tonight, just the Pinnatifida chopped since the last shot at four months:


Kids-eye view for the little folk around here:


Ignore the moss, propagating for the next scape. Getting pretty consistent now. Will hack the bolbitis back soon and give everything else a little extra light to fill out. There’s crypts in the shaded areas that will appreciate the boost.
Looks really good mate you at work tomorrow placed a order today and didn't realise no shipping for this week so might pop over and pick it up
Beautiful CDPs by the way
Really like this - we have very similar styles! Looks like a great selection of fish there too 🙂 Something for all levels in the tank. Do you have a feature fish as such? I'm not sure you would really need the co2 long term?
Glad you like it Matt. Fish selection was based on behaviour and how they interact. No feature fish as such but there’s always something of interest wherever you look. All things considered this tank will remain Co2 injected unless there was a dramatic drop in stocking of fish, even then I can’t say I would remove Co2 as it’s integral to high o2 production within the system. It’s well balanced currently. If low tech was the game I would use a different strategy entirely.
Interested why less stocking would mean less co2 for you? Would also be interested to hear your different strategies? Just curious!