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New to the hobby. Looking for feedback on first aquascape

Hi all,

That is really it and it works 100% of the time, it just takes <"any ambiguity"> out of <"cycling">.

Perfect, I may add it to my signature, if that is all right?
I was thinking of <"Why have morals, when you can have money?"> but this would be much more appropriate.

cheers Darrel
Of course you can! I learnt that lesson from you 🙂

Sound advice which I will take to heart. But this does raise a question for my limited understanding of the nitrogen cycle. My reasoning behind getting fish soonish is to sustain the cycle with a trace source of waste/ammonia. I did the dark start only with the Amazonia soil. It’s been running for 6 weeks now so the ammonia should be about done leeching. So I figured that fish would the perfect replacement to sustain the bacteria colony. What would be the recommendation if I postpone the fish for another couple of weeks (or even months)? Leave some of the uneaten shrimp food in? Don’t think I need to feed them tho..

Now after finishing the startup I might consider a centrepiece fish besides the Corrys. Maybe two honey gouramis? So I will definitely take the advice of minimum amount of corrys with me but I don’t think I will go the amount of 20.
The cycle is a misleading concept, it leads many beginners into a false sense of security (including me once upon a time 🙁 )- if the chemistry set says its fine, then we think it is, but an aquarium is so much more than basic chemistry, and ammonia is an incredibly potent chemical which isn't found in large amounts in healthy ecosystems. It's better to think of the set-up of your tank as a maturation of an ecosystem - a complex mix and balance of bacteria, biofilm, microfauna, plants (roots, leaves and all), etc. The waste from your plants as they grow and decay will be enough to sustain and grow the ecosystem in your aquarium, and when you add fish it will be able to handle them just fine.

I would postpone adding the fish for a few weeks, and let the tank mature just a little more, let the shrimp settle in and see if they might start breeding. It's much easier to grow a shrimp population without any fish. You probably don't need to feed them, but I like to feed mine once a week or so with a special shrimp food to ensure they're growing well and will have lots of baby shrimplets. And then there is time to dream about a centrepiece fish! There are all sorts of lovely fish out there too explore...
Small and short update. Plants are starting to kick off. Will wait a bit longer for a photo update. But what is fast, at least from what I’m reading, is that two of the females are carrying offspring. I found two molts over the weekend and noticed these two yesterday.


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A month has past and everything has been extremly satisfying. Alot has happend and Im very glad I followed the advice to wait longer with the introduction of livestock. I felt way more confidend about adding fish when i did last week. All plants do well and as you can see the emerged sections is starting to kick off. All the anubias have rooted alot and have grown atleast a couple of new leaves. With the non-invitro plants apparently came bladder and ramshorn snails eggs. I introduced 10 pygmy corrys last weekend and 1 honey gourami thursday. All seem happy. I have seen them eat the baby pest snails from the glass. Those that survive are welcome and i have about 3/4 of each pest snail that are full grown. The shrimps have spawned and the nerite snail is also still present. Friday the pygmy corries laid eggs but over the weekend the gourami ate most, if not all, of them. Which im ok with. I consider the tank finished regardig livestock. Any new babys that do make it are welcome as well.

Shortly after my last update Diatomes starting forming on the glass. I cleaned it once so far and its not returning much at all.

The inline diffuser that is opitional with the Aquario Neo flow (Co2 mixer its called) seemed to take on water which made it quite uncontrolable. For the past two weeks I left the co2 out, held back a bit on the dosing ferts and everything looks to be doing well without. I do see some of the plants slow down alot in new growth but nothing is melting/dying or any algae is forming. I am considering getting a proper inline diffuser to continue to carefully dose co2 in the tank.

Still very happy with everything and also still very happy with the advice I got here so far 🙂 Thank you again for that.


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