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New tank. Some plants suddenly not doing well. What am I doing wrong??


Thread starter
21 Nov 2020

I set up a high tech, it's been planted for 3 weeks now.
I'm running CO2 (about 0.7ph drop), tropica fertilising substrate and tropica soil on-top. Lights are Chihiros WRGB2 Slim.

Ammonia/nitrites/nitrates: 0/0/5
Temp: 23C
Kh 4 gh4
Tds 175

Started using TNC ferts last week.

Limnophila hippuroides - looks healthy but not growing fast and still fully green

Ludwigia palustris Green - doing amazingly well. At least it was. The top part of one stem completely melted overnight. Uniformly turned brown. I removed that part and the rest of that stem is fine.

Monte carlo, half of it looks good. Some of it keeps melting.

Palustris super red - this one was doing so well. Growing quickly and turned "super red". Overnight a lower portion of it turned a pale green. Some older red leaves have green patches.

Rotala indica bonsai - absolute nightmare. 90% melted.

Reineckii mini - still transitioning I guess.

Anubias - glassy patches?

See photos attached.

I think this is a mistake.
Whatever is causing your plants to melt will most likely be exacerbated by high light.
Your plants are under a lot of stress and more or less showing massive system failure when the plant tissues melt over night. Light drives growth and right now the last thing (I believe) your plants need is a lot of light driving growth that the tissues cannot keep up with. It's like pushing the gas pedal of a car down to the floor while the motor is smoking and making a lot of rattling sounds. My suggestion would rather be to go extra easy on the light for a while until your plants stop melting and start growing normally again

It was mentioned earlier by xZaiox. Great analogy.
I already changed the settings on my lights to how it was before (about 60% -this is the Slim version of the wrgb2 so not as bright).

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Soilent green is aimed at Aufwuchs eaters and super green is ‘veggie’ based with no animal product I believe.

I understand that soilent green is generally recommended for Otto’s so if it’s just a couple of pounds in cost, i’d still go for that, but if you are finding it very difficult or slow to get hold of then Super Green is still a good food.

I ordered the super green. It wasn't the price difference (£4) but the lead times. Soilent would arrive next week, super will arrive on Thursday.

It seems that most people prefer the soilent for otos even though on the repashy website it says the super green is more suited to them. We'll see. I'll keep u posted.

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Thank you both for the suggestion. I can get hold of repashy Super green for cheaper and quicker than the soilent green.
Both of their primary ingredients are Spirulina algae and chlorella algae (both great). The soilent green also has ingredients such as krill and squid, whereas the super green goes for pea and rice proteins. Overall, their fat, fibre and moisture is the same, but the soilent green comes out with 5% more protein (40% vs 35%). Based on the ingredients, I personally would prefer the soilent green, however, the super green still seems like a good option.
Just an update:

I uprooted the melting palustris red. They had an extensive root system and lots of runners. I removed any dead leaves etc and replanted.

Meanwhile I received some glasgarten algae sticks and some otos went for it straight away. They all seem to have full bellies. Hopefully the repashy will arrive tomorrow.


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This is a fantastic sign. With ottos, generally the fatter they are, the happier they are (obviously assuming it's not an illness like dropsy).

I think they are just well fed.

Repashy Super Green arrived today. I coated a piece of driftwood with it. Otos and amanos are crazy for it.


I hope i didn't add too much of it and that I can safely leave it in the tank overnight.

P. S. Thank you all so much for suggesting repashy.

P. P. S. Rummynose tetra eat healthy monte carlo leaves. Yes they are fed.

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My plants continue to go downhill 😕
Eleocharis montevidensis - some very healthy some complete mess.
Palustris green -
Health stems, some parts turn brown and then melt.

Palustris super red -
After removing the dead parts and replanting this is what's left. Some red leaves develop green spots then the stalk turns transparent and then everything melts

Eleocharis mini - some propagation but lots of melting 53CA3EB3-19B2-4ED1-A3E9-0ECA059FF001.jpeg

I would really appreciate any help.