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New Scaper 60 Second Tank


19 Mar 2024
So only had first tank for a little under a year and I'm hooked. I've kept tropical before many years ago and currently keep koi in a 3k gallon informal pond! What can I say, I love fish!

This will be my second tank and is being setup in my shed/pond filter house (I'm not allowed a second tank in doors yet until I get a big feature tank! (One day he dreams). This tank is a superfish scaper 60 with the following specs:

Filter: Oase Biomaster Thermo 250
Pressurized CO2 with inline diffuser
Glass Lily Pipes
Colombo Nutribase capped with pool filter sand
Seiryu Stone and Redmoore Wood

I'm currently trying a dark start which I'm almost 2 weeks into. I have no scientific reason for trying this other than trying something different in an effort to start the tank with minimal algae problems if I can. I've seen videos of this so thought I'd give it a go. The main theory behind this tank is to take my time. I plan on 2-3 weeks of dark start then will plant relatively heavily and ad live stock 2-3 weeks after that. This is all practice for a much bigger tank in our main living area some time in the future.

Here's a little picture of it as of today (the light was on for less than a minute purely for the picture). Updates when I do the next stage.