Robert Fletcher
I am taking my 110-litre tank down and rebuilding. What I would like to know is the best parameters for the plants to give a push start. There will be NO fish. Here is the list of questions I would like some answers to, I will list the plants below.
Substrate, Tropica Soil. EI dosing and injected CO2, lighting Aquael Slim 80 cm Plant
Water changes: I have read where 25 - 50% water changes for 4 weeks, there is nothing on the bag of soil about this. I would normally do 50% WC. Is this OK?
CO2: As there will be no livestock could I push this into the Yellow. Can plants get too much CO2?
What initial photoperiod for optimal photosynthesis?
Given the list of plants, I will be using what would be the optimal temperature for photosynthesis?
With so many plants I am not expecting algae or could I be wrong there?
Here are the plants:
Alternanthera reinecki 'rot' x1
Cryptocoryne x willisii x2
Cryptocoryne wendtii x1
Echinodorus Dschungelstar® 'Nr. 2' x1
Helanthium parvulum "Broad Leaf" x4
Pogostemon Stellatu x2
Limnophila Sessiliflora x1
Sagittaria pusilla x3
Vallisneria Nana Tiger x3
Substrate, Tropica Soil. EI dosing and injected CO2, lighting Aquael Slim 80 cm Plant
Water changes: I have read where 25 - 50% water changes for 4 weeks, there is nothing on the bag of soil about this. I would normally do 50% WC. Is this OK?
CO2: As there will be no livestock could I push this into the Yellow. Can plants get too much CO2?
What initial photoperiod for optimal photosynthesis?
Given the list of plants, I will be using what would be the optimal temperature for photosynthesis?
With so many plants I am not expecting algae or could I be wrong there?
Here are the plants:
Alternanthera reinecki 'rot' x1
Cryptocoryne x willisii x2
Cryptocoryne wendtii x1
Echinodorus Dschungelstar® 'Nr. 2' x1
Helanthium parvulum "Broad Leaf" x4
Pogostemon Stellatu x2
Limnophila Sessiliflora x1
Sagittaria pusilla x3
Vallisneria Nana Tiger x3