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New Planted Advice

Help me out if you can.

I have more algae issues on new plants. This is despite the fact I've lights on for 6 hours, set up the co2 and observed the guided amount using the JBL drop checker. This does seem like a lot of co2 when I am observing bubbles. It goes on an hour before lights are on and an hour before lights go out.

Could this be a result of not adding enough fertiliser? I've been putting in about 3ml or so every other day.

Keeping up with water changes and checking filter regularly enough. Been keeping fish for 10 years so I'm pretty sure I'm not over feeding.

Pretty disheartening that I can't get this up and running.9bfd28c375d46f484a31892ae1e05e0b.jpg8baece588fedd9b15dd7d86ab36a9fe6.jpgc189b10d73aaacbaefb9d7a3237f7d25.jpgd8f354762380218a5bb011c9eda25f5a.jpg1dbd7ab2047659b9392f50034e08e764.jpga4c776b03972751cc4ce0f02aaaf62c6.jpg

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This actually isn't as bad as I thought...

I ordered elocharis parvula but I'm quite certain that I've been given the elocharis acicularis. I can't get it to stay in the substrate. When I used the elocharis parvula before it was bigger and stayed in this substrate. Anyway, the constant replanting is churning up a layer of dust on top of the leaves that I have mistaken for new hair growth. The algae that I do have had been that on the hardscape which is particularly difficult to remove just growing out (hopefully).

I've ordered the carpeting plant elocharis parvula that worked before. It's a bit taller than the dwarf stuff but I know it will stay put.

Some of the plants in there could do better. The Alternanthera reineckii is not the colour I was hoping for but maybe more fertiliser will help.

This is not as simple for me as it seems to be for others.

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