Day 15

Good and healthy growing. See Limnophila aromatica on the left back corner, Rotala rotundifolia and Ludwigia on the right. Moss mix on Hygrolon is beginning to show signs of being alive! Cannot be seen but Hydrocotye tripartita Japan on the foreground is blooming. The Anubias has new and healthy leaves. I added some new wild moss and some Riccia bits.

Good and healthy growing. See Limnophila aromatica on the left back corner, Rotala rotundifolia and Ludwigia on the right. Moss mix on Hygrolon is beginning to show signs of being alive! Cannot be seen but Hydrocotye tripartita Japan on the foreground is blooming. The Anubias has new and healthy leaves. I added some new wild moss and some Riccia bits.