hi all
I'm new to all this planted tank and forums stuff I've had small tanks on and off over the years so I have basic fish keeping skills . I love watching my tank (I watch it while the wife watches TV) so as there is nothing better looking then a planted tank I've decided to give it a try but I know nothing all my knowledge is mainly other peoples posts on forums and a lot of that is individual to there tanks and argued, or what I've researched
So to start I'm after a low tech community tank ! I already have a 48"x12"x18" tank .a fluval 406 filter (new).20lbs of eco-complete live (new/unopened) an Arcadia original tropical F038 the plant growth lamp 42" and a Atman 10000k 30w super light 35" . Two buckets of rocks n bogwood !
Should I use any of this or just buy all new ?
cheers phil
I'm new to all this planted tank and forums stuff I've had small tanks on and off over the years so I have basic fish keeping skills . I love watching my tank (I watch it while the wife watches TV) so as there is nothing better looking then a planted tank I've decided to give it a try but I know nothing all my knowledge is mainly other peoples posts on forums and a lot of that is individual to there tanks and argued, or what I've researched
So to start I'm after a low tech community tank ! I already have a 48"x12"x18" tank .a fluval 406 filter (new).20lbs of eco-complete live (new/unopened) an Arcadia original tropical F038 the plant growth lamp 42" and a Atman 10000k 30w super light 35" . Two buckets of rocks n bogwood !
Should I use any of this or just buy all new ?
cheers phil