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New in south London


11 Mar 2025
Hi all. Drawn to this community as the website looks great and reminds me of the old days with great community groups.

Always enjoyed tanks and been drawn to the planted aquarium. Inherited a 55 gallon tank and have set up.

In South London so would be particularly interested to know how I should treat my hard water for best plant growth.

I am doing low tech on a budget. Bought an LED light but got no idea what to set it to so I will be looking into that!

Love crypts, micro swords, Java fern, anubias and have a soft spot for swords and vallisneria.

Looking forward to annoying you all with questions!

How hard is the water? I live in Canada so I have no idea.

But there are numerous Crypts that do very well in hard water - certainly in mine which is roughly 11dGH.

That includes any of the C.wendtii variants & there are soooo many of those - Brown, Green, Green Gecko, Tropica, Florida Sunset, Mi Oya, Pink Panther, Flamingo & that is by no means all of them.

Then there’s C.albida Brown & Green, small sized & Brown is a personal fave.

Most any crypt that originated from Sri Lanka will be good in hard water but there are others.
Hi all. Drawn to this community as the website looks great and reminds me of the old days with great community groups.

Always enjoyed tanks and been drawn to the planted aquarium. Inherited a 55 gallon tank and have set up.

In South London so would be particularly interested to know how I should treat my hard water for best plant growth.

I am doing low tech on a budget. Bought an LED light but got no idea what to set it to so I will be looking into that!

Love crypts, micro swords, Java fern, anubias and have a soft spot for swords and vallisneria.

Looking forward to annoying you all with questions!

Welcome Sudsy!

I used to live in South London and never had any issue growing those plants you mentioned. You should be fine to use the water as is 🙂

On that list, Java fern it's probably the only one that can be a bit iffy. But I've still grown it well before in London water.