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New DIY Cabinets

Looks fab, very professional!
I've always been hesitant about using MDF for aquarium cabinets, I'm always afraid if it gets wet it might not be strong enough....
Thanks. I made a smaller one with sliding doors for my old tank and it's still going strong 3 years later. I think as long as its sealed properly with several coats of eggshell or gloss paint then there shouldn't be any issues with water penetration 😉
right so question of aesthetics.
i am looking to use spill50's diagrams and build a nano stand.
tank will probably be an aquanano40 so 40 by 40cm. question should i make the stand 40*40 or go 45*45 to allow a lip around the tank.....i know the ada route would suggest 40*40 to match the tank but this has little feet on it so will stand off the tank a little......all guidance appreciated, don't want to do two stands 🙂
Well I went for the larger than tank size on the small cabinet. I like to have somewhere to put things like bottle caps for example while I'm measuring out a dose. My large tank which is flush (ADA style) I find myself putting things on top of my light. So I went slightly bigger for functional reasons really plus it just feels more stable having a wider base than the tank.

Hope that helps.
