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New ADA Aquasky "Moon" - Thoughts?!?...

Words fail me as usual Victor. Are these using ADA liquid ferts? Would love to know how much CO2/what pH decrease you get on these tanks bearing in mind the high PAR of these lights...

I bet Viktor follows the ADA system 🙂 high light, very soft water, AquaSoil for delivering enough basic nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) and lean fertilization regime (K + micros) in the water column. Would be interested in knowing what is done to have a good CO2 performance. As far as I've seen in my LFS, also an ADA official distributor, even using AquaSky 602 or 4x24w T5HO over 60 liters tanks, they switch on CO2 at the same time they switch on the lights, no water rippling (only aireation by night, rising up the lily pipes), with a quite long photoperiod and quite standard bubble rate.... Sounds magic, isn't it? What I've noticed is that they use always SuperJets or very powerful filters (I would say that 15-20x)

I think that when you become an ADA dealer you receive every month magic dust for the tanks... 😉

I bet Viktor follows the ADA system
And he probably doesn't faff around with pH profiles!

For every successful EI aquarium, it seems that there are more lean dosing/high light success stories that fly in the face of much, if not all of the EI dogma.

I feel like going back to the drawing board, buying a Mini-M, Aquasky, an in-tank diffuser and joining the dark side!

If that fails I'll just have to buy some Power Sand and Penac! 😉

I think that when you become an ADA dealer you receive every month magic dust for the tanks... 😉

Actually there's a magic dust which makes your Super Jet shiny 😛😉
Powa Powda from Japan! 🙂

Both EI and ADA works. But none of them will do the water change and cleaning for you 🙂
I reckon we should take great inspiration from the evidence that so many approaches work.
Viktor's tanks are a joy and clearly meticulously maintained as are all the official ADA tanks. I don't know how Viktor approaches his display tanks but certainly when watching the ADA videos you see the tanks densely planted from the outset and often with a percentage of previously acclimatised plants and one can only assume pre-cycled filters. Many of the troubles we see on this forum are with people starting completely anew with new filters, only a very few plants and hoping they'll grow in quick. I wonder how many dramas our Japanese hobbyists have trying to replicate Mr A's successes...
Very diplomatic Chris! The thing is after loads of time, effort, and money chasing the EI dragon, I'm not satisfied with my results. If it works for you, great! However, I'm changing course for my next (nano) project.

Very diplomatic Chris! The thing is after loads of time, effort, and money chasing the EI dragon, I'm not satisfied with my results. If it works for you, great! However, I'm changing course for my next (nano) project.

I've already done it! See here: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/lava-rocks-20-liters.36715/, quite a few new things to experience closer to the ADA approach (especially.soft water and lean dosing). TBH in my other tank (http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/new-setup-from-2-to-just-plants.34374/) I can grow quite healthy plants also following the EI approach but I have to be very very careful no to have algae (2x 50% weekly WC) even with low light and huge amounts of CO2... and still suffer from them when the plant biomass is huge, especially on the inside of bushy groups.

Great looking tanks Jordi. Yes it's strange... I started my current journal with the intention of following the ADA path but I came to realise that the only way I could actually truly do that would be to use their products exclusively, substrate additives, ferts, glassware, diffuser etc. etc which is very costly for one thing but really I'm too much of a DIY'er for all that. I don't know how many people really, genuinely know exactly how ADA run their tanks. I see a lot of talk about the ADA gallery tanks, at least, not being heavily lit but the Aquasky one's certainly are. I think we just have to be selective and learn from those having successes with whatever method and apply that to our situation as best we can.
Great looking tanks Jordi. Yes it's strange... I started my current journal with the intention of following the ADA path but I came to realise that the only way I could actually truly do that would be to use their products exclusively, substrate additives, ferts, glassware, diffuser etc. etc which is very costly for one thing but really I'm too much of a DIY'er for all that. I don't know how many people really, genuinely know exactly how ADA run their tanks. I see a lot of talk about the ADA gallery tanks, at least, not being heavily lit but the Aquasky one's certainly are. I think we just have to be selective and learn from those having successes with whatever method and apply that to our situation as best we can.
Do you think you really need to use all the ADA stuff? They are ally great but very expensive... Especially for large tanks. I'm using glassware from other brands that I believe do exactly the same job (for example, Elos Co2 diffuser, CalAqua nano pipes...). My light is certainly not as powerful as AquaSky 361, but probably close. Regarding ferts, I'm trying to emulate a lean dosing with K2SO4 (Brighty K is really a K2CO3, but I do not want to add carbonates as I have enough in my mixed RO-tapwater). With my DIY K and micro solution I just try to deliver a similar amount of K, Fe and others micros than Brighty K and Step1 do... But honestly I am not really concerned if it is less or more. Plants will tell if something more is needed.

Do you think you really need to use all the ADA stuff? They are ally great but very expensive...

Well I do if you really want to claim to be truly doing things the ADA way... otherwise your adding a bunch of unknown variables. However I see nothing wrong with your approach at all. I've gone many years just adding a bit of this and that as and when I see fit with few problems but that was in a much larger 120x60x60 tank that I suspect maybe way more forgiving. Certainly I've had more issues in the last 6 months with my little 60x30x45 than I've ever had previously but I seem to be winning now under an EI regime..