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Nelson's comeback low tech

Neil today i heard my first Pumila croack... :woot: :playful: What a sound!! And yes they are rascals i see them occasionaly harassing sherries.. Remarkebly they take on shrimps bigger than they are, the small ones are not bothered at all.. And it's not realy hunting it's harassing, might be the red color triggering this.. The amono's are not bothered.
Neil today i heard my first Pumila croack... :woot: :playful: What a sound!!
It's great isn't it 🙂.
Don't hear mine much since putting the Vittata in.Was worried they might bully the Pumila,but it's the other way round 😵.
Gutsy little fish.
Yes it's great, only heard it twice today. Unbelievable for such small fish. Also seems they are mating, saw them curl up against eachother.. 🙂
Have to watch close the next days maybe i find the nest..
:lol:,it's been a long day Marcel and YouTube take's forever to do music.
YouTube take's forever to do music

I made some videos with music. some countries block it due to © infringement. For example Germany is very good thorough with that, if they hear the smallest fart of © infrignment it's blocked from view. So if you do it you would need t make sure the adio file tags with ownership metadata are trashed (which would make you a thief), then youtube auto detection doesn't pick up the © tag. Then it will show till the owner ore somebody complaines and reports it which often happens if it's recorded with microphone. That's how it works on youtube or any other social media communities.. 🙂 If nobody nags we're all ok..

But the rithme of a washing machine as background support instead i never thought off. It's again something else as usual bubbling water. What could we add to make it even more intresting?? 🙂
Fish look lovely
I would have liked some chocolates,but not seen any around my way for a long time.Also some Licorice,like yours.Have never ever seen any in shops 🙁.
Love this scape Neil, I'm leaning more and more towards low tech, just need patience and the results can be superb like this, top job mate.
Just go low tech with your 90x45x45 and keep your 60P high tech 😉.
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Just thought I'd update fish list.

4x Otocinclus
12x Celestichthys margaritatus
8x Sundadanio axelrodi
10x Trichopsis pumila
2x Trichopsis vittata
1x Trichogaster lalius(impulse buy 😳)
3x Botia striata
30x Boraras brigittae
20x Boraras merah
Realy lovely, completely my kind of tank.. 🙂 btw is that pistia floating at the front?