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Need help with new upcoming project

Its a X-Filter 1.0, I use 25 micron rolls which lasted anywhere from 8-12 weeks, They do a 9, 17, 25, and 32 micron fleeces

It’s good that X-Filter have a decent range of micron rolls. £27 for 65 metres of roll as well. You feed a lot in a reef, you feed a lot with Angels… wouldn’t be surprised if the lifetime of a roll is pretty similar.

I havent really thought of a 'scape yet as i'm not much of an artist but it will involve rock and wood, though i like the root type of wood more than the basic bogwood type.

It’s each to their own on scape preference. Personally think Angels look stunning in very simple layouts. Black backgrounds with tall vertical planting blends with their markings and showcases them well:


Low fuss planting and maybe a bit dated compared to what some folks like these days.
I first thought of utilising that grass like plant (cant remember the name) it grows to the surface then it sort of waves over but thats a long way off yet.
What lights are out there, again i dont know which are quality but expensive, not quality but expensive, I dont have a budget but if i'm paying a premium then i expect a premium product.