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Need help ASAP

There’s around 40 or so dwarf harlequins in there at the moment.

I’ve had a couple of bad experiences over the 15 years I’ve been doing this with adding huge bioloads all of a sudden so do prefer the stage method.

It’s defo well filtered, ehiem and JBL chucking out around 4000 LPH but right now I’ve turned one down till the discus acclimatise, hope fully the montecarlo will suck up some of the bioload, that’s a quick grower.

I can vouch for that having had a massive carpet in the past. I’m now regrowing it from scratch and everyday there is new growth - co2 is a huge advantage as you’ll know

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I can vouch for that having had a massive carpet in the past. I’m now regrowing it from scratch and everyday there is new growth - co2 is a huge advantage as you’ll know

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Yeah defo, after the trim at the weekend it’s shooting everywhere!
I'm sure I read somewhere that oxygen is 10,000 times quicker to saturate water with than CO2.