sorry to keep you hanging guys, the verdict is vision 450 100%. rio 400 got a major thumbs down from the misses. i'm quite pleased as the vision does have twice the light, 4 tubes as opposed to 2 in the rio. and loads of room to play with.
andy - thanks for the fluval pic. personally i still prefer the juwel but the other thing she doesn't like is open tops / luminaires. this may sound petty but at night when the lights are off in the lounge neither of us want the room to be filled with overspill light from a luminaire. with the juwels it's all contained beneath the lid.
I have also had a big change of plan with the layout i want to incorporate a reasonable sized sand foreground so will divide the substrate in two. all i need to find is some kind of flexable water safe plastic i can use to divide and seperate the sand / ecocomplete. i need like a massive ruler that can sand on it's side and be bent in a big curve. any thoughts?
so the front will be sand, carpet of something bordering the sand then bogwood with planted anubias, stems and other stuff at the back.
i have not ordered yet, i forgot to ask wether it xane with t5's the store model had t8's still. however the LFS price is £835 and an ebay site is £599 (still a brand new one) it's silly to consider anything buy ebay, just need to ask them about t5/t8 but either way for that saving i'll get it either way. i will add a couple of t5's to it anyway so should be okay with light. i do hope they're T5 though that would be awesome.