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Need Advice. New start.

Hi Kirk

Do mean a Koralia? If yes then are you talking about the wave maker or circulation pump.

Hello yes one of these, I use ours to skim and force the flow down a bit. fb1f2536606f7bab96e7bd4fd8696962.jpg handy if you can't get the distribution quite right, even if you flow is good. If you go for a spraybar you probably wont need one, I struggle with the lilly.
Many thanks guys. I see my list is building up bit by bit. Hopefully i can accommodate all of this within my budget.

Many Thanks.
Yes good look, a grand don't go far on any hobby. Keep us posted.🙂
Have you considered the Fluval FX5 or 6? They're in a similar price range to the Eheims you mentioned, but will give you a LOT of flow output for your money.
Hi Henry

No I have not considered the Fluvel filters. One thing nice about the ehiem is that some of them come with the heaters built in.

I will look at the fluvel range as I have a budget of about £250.

Hi, regards to the APS external filter the hose diameter is larger then is needed for the 300w hydor heater so you would have to reduce the hose diameter which then restricts an already lacking filter. You need 16/22mm hose
Hi Alex

I think I have my mind up on not going with the Aps filter.

I have a dilemma now to go with the ehiem 350T with the built in heater or the fx6 which is way more powerful but without the heater.

The aim is to have some sort of reactor/atomizer in line and external heating. Aesthetics is what I'm after instead of having many bits of plastics in the tank.

Ehiem is looking the way as I can always add a powerhead for the flow.

Choices choices.
Does this mean it's an awkward size? If I'm correct the general size should be 16/22 mm.

Maybe I am getting confused.
Yes the fx6 does use 25mm which is also too large. You could diy a heater inside a piece of pipe like this

Hi Guys,

Does the inline Atomizer need to be connected inline to the filter? or can it be done on the out flow too?
Thanks foxfish

I suppose if it's inline then it require maintenance as there will be debris passing through but it will not effect the flow where as if it's on the outline then no maintenance as such is required but the flow could be a factor. This will need some thinking. Thanks
There is far more to it than that....
By placing an atomiser in front of the filter you will asking your filter to do two jobs, one to filter the water and one to capture the bubbles & let them dissolve within the filter media!
There are several potential results by doing this - your filter will cope and you get completely dissolved C02 or your filter wont and you will get pockets of un-dissolved gas that eventually build up pressure and exit the filter in a single large bubble termed as burping!
hmmmm. understood.

Better to be safe then sorry. I think Atomiser on the outflow is a good idea then and if the flow struggles then a power head will do the job. I just hope they make a fairly small and hidden type of power head that will not ruin the aesthetics. I havent even bought half of the stuff on the list yet and I am already getting annoyed about the looks of my tank. :lol:

I see that you made/built a rector a while back foxfish. Are you able to make any more?
I had the filter dilemma before Christmas, my aquarium is 60x45x45cm, so around 120 litres. I wanted to avoid adding a powerhead for aesthetic reasons and I wanted the heater outside the tank and had seen some horror stories about the Hydors, so I went with the Eheim Pro3e 600T. Admittedly I am having to buy a second house to fit the filter in as its actually the size of a small car, but its rated for 1850lph, so even with a drop in flow for an inline CO2 atomiser, I am hoping to get good flow when I get it all set up. It's an expensive filter though, around £500, so its half of your budget...
I would love a 600T but as you mentioned too much money to spend on the filter. I was going with the initial APS 2000 litre just for the flow reason but then i heard stories about it.

At the moment 350T is on the top of my list for around £250. Flow rate is only 1050l/h. I believe I will need a powerhead after having the atomizer on the out line of the filter.