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NatureScape - The End

But I'm never really sure how my scapes will turn out 😕

Always the case mate. You can perfect things dry as much as you want but I'll guarantee you'll move something about when the water goes in.
As with many things in life, it didn't go according to plan. When I tried to transfer the scape over to the tank somehow the hardscape just wouldn't work and the wood stuck out too much against the wall.
Instead of wrestling with it for the rest of the day I went back to the drawing board and started again. I think I came up with a much stronger scape and one which will be easier to plant...

Couldn't get the wood to fit...

The new scape...
28342150257_6858020a32_b.jpgIMG_1010 by Tim Harrison, on Flickr
Thanks J@mes No, not yet. I'm going to do a plantless cycle for two weeks while I'm on holiday, it'll be weighed down with a rock. It should be fine by the time I get back.
I know when I sold all my rocks I was surprised the weight I added to the back of my Station wagon.

When I saw something I liked I bought it. The best and cheapest was for rocks get to know your local Garden Supplier as they buy them by the big truck loads.

DW mostly old used pieces from the LFS display tanks.

Thank you @FJK_12 Well it's meant to be lowish maintenance, so mainly Crypts and Ferns with some stems. Not sure of the detail yet though, but think classic NatureScape 😉