Soo.. I bought a ADA 90p with the garden stand and solar RGB. It was on sale in this forum.
Normally I wouldn't post until I've planted. I need some input. The main challenge is the solar RGB which can't be dimmed.
Anways, the challenge is managing the solar RGB. I've raised it high above the tank but my goals are as follows:
The plant list is as follows:
Any other plants that I should consider or measures I should take to control the lighting intensity?
Unfinished scape as I'm waiting for the ADA Malaya and more Colorado Sand to be delivered tomorrow.
View from my desk:

Other images:

Normally I wouldn't post until I've planted. I need some input. The main challenge is the solar RGB which can't be dimmed.
- Tanks size: 90 x 45 x 45 cm
- Co2 injected, I will be trying a co2 reactor for the first time. Have been using inline for the last few years
- Light: ADA Solar RGB, suspended 51cm above the tank (can take it higher by a few more cm)
- Substrate: ADA colorada sand with little bits of ADA Malaya behind the wood
- Lightning time: Will be 6 hours (3pm to 9pm). It's a dark room so ambient light will be minimal.
Anways, the challenge is managing the solar RGB. I've raised it high above the tank but my goals are as follows:
- No carpeting plants or stem plants/mosses that have to be trimmed frequently. I now have carpal tunnel in my hands hence why I'll be avoiding stems, carpeting plants and most mosses this time round.
- Emmersed growth, I've never had this but will have the water line slightly lower to allow for growth
The plant list is as follows:
- Hydrocotyle Lucocephala (to be wrapped near the water line on the lhs wood. AG grow it emmersed)
- Red root floaters (from my existing tank to cover the top and reduce light intensity going into the water)
- Salvinia Natans (to cover the top and reduce light intensity going into the water)
- Cryptocoryne Flamingo (RHS of the tank near the back. I have it my current tank and will move it over when I take that one down)
- Cryptocoryne Balansea (Somewhere in the back)
- Echniodorus Parviflorus (Insde the wood on LHS to have it grow to the top and out of the water just like Aquarium Gardens)
- Anubias Gracilias (LHS, flat palm part of wood)
- Riccardia chamedryfolia (higher parts of the wood as I find it grows better in higher light)
- Fissiden Fonantus (if i find it in stock)
- Lots of different Bucephalandras
- Anubias nana bonsai
- Bolbitis Difformis (by the water line)
- Peace lily (to be taken from the existing tank)
- 2 x Tiger lotus (from existing tank, this time I'll let it grow to the surface)
- Eriocaulon Vietnam (just behind the centre point of both sides)
- Anubias Pinto
- Cryptocoryne Wenditi Sindoor (I'll add it later)
Any other plants that I should consider or measures I should take to control the lighting intensity?
Unfinished scape as I'm waiting for the ADA Malaya and more Colorado Sand to be delivered tomorrow.
View from my desk:

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